England riots

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I'd like to see a bit of good old fashioned shame justice. Round up all the thugs who've been identified on CCTV and get them to clean up the city while the good people of the town watch and heckle them.

And then the good people of London can be invited into these thugs' homes for a good spot of looting and vandalism.

I'd fly half way around the world just to throw a tomato at one of these idiots and ransack their house.
As an outsider, there seems to be no (good) reason for this riot to have started. Its a little shocking. I always think of Brits as very level headed, but some of em are clearly stressed - younger generation needs to get it together
As an outsider, there seems to be no (good) reason for this riot to have started. Its a little shocking. I always think of Brits as very level headed, but some of em are clearly stressed - younger generation needs to get it together

The younger generation always needs to get it together, whatever the era. This would've happened a hundred years ago if blackberries had been around. It's the capacity for near spontaneous organisation and mobilisation that has allowed this riot to get so out of hand.
UK's answer to this problem...


This is nothing short of organized crime. If someone's brave enough to take one or two out, or even maim them badly enough to be hospitalized with serious injury, and then state the intent, it'll send a clear message.
Yeah. England was all well and good with bands like Genesis and Yes and Pink Floyd and then punk rock came in and ruined the youth. Then they had crap like Oasis and Spice Girls and it all went to hell.
Not really. It wasn't funny the last time you posted that. Still not funny. You wouldn't kill anyone that broke in your house with the intent to rob you and burn down your home?

I have exactly ZERO idea of what you are talking about. I never made the comparison between mickey mouse and punisher in my life. Are you saying I wasn't the first to make that association? And where in the world did the second part of your post come from? Talk about inference. I actually am a very strong believer in personal security.
LOL. Thats a good one too! Either way, no matter what sweater he is wearing, that would be some scarey ____ to be staring at...just Mickey would make it more ironic as he put a few caps in a punk's ass. His white gloves remind me of MM too, btw.

I can just see him going "ah shucks" BAM!
I wonder if the looters in England are all polite and say "excuse me, pardon me" before bashing in the shop windows.

No,they use a combination animal noises and slang which is mostly unrecognisable as english.... i'm not joking

Thats also how they speak when they're not burnings,smashing and looting.
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You triple the police force, like they just did, and go in with a lot of tear gas, and use rubber bullets, and start hauling people off to jail. Bring the military in if you must. You don't shoot/kill/maim anyone, unless you're a dictator or China. England would never resort to the violence you propose, especially in the public eye.

Trust me, I'm no hippy/anarchy sympathizer, but civilized society doesn't kill it's misbehaving civilians, it throws them in jail and has the taxpayer foot the bill.

I fear that when the US starts to finally make the necessary cuts in order to balance the deficit, stuff like this may happen here.

I wonder that myself...I could see some unrest in some REALLY poor/economically in the ____ter cities in the US coming to that. Hmm, stay safe my UK freaks.
I thought it was our uscmHicks being interviewed for a second.:wink1:

*warning*some swearing*

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Ift78O95Bw&NR=1"]‪Masked Looter Live On Sky News - Please Do Not Swear‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
woooooah he sounds well hard! ya get me init. :lol

What a little tosser.
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