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If Fergie seriously wants another CL win before he retires the following players still need to go,

( I am convinced his surname means "Useless Twat Who Gives The Ball Away" when translated into English. )

( Emile Heskey 2.0 )

( Is good at long passes out to the right, but nothing else. )

The following need to get their act together,

( Seems to always be on the verge of delivering a consistent run of performances but never manages it. )

( Runs all the way to opposing touchline, then passes the ball all the way back or dithers instead of crossing the ball in ASAP. )

Dear oh dear :cuckoo: Please explain how selling these players would help us win the CL? I'm very curious to know :lol #cluelessarmchairfan
Dear oh dear :cuckoo: Please explain how selling these players would help us win the CL? I'm very curious to know :lol #cluelessarmchairfan

It would create space in the squad for replacements and if Fergie hasn't gone completely senile he may even make some decent ones.

As for your jibe at me, that is exactly the attitude that makes most United fans so hated by pretty much everyone else, you think every player and the manager are above criticism and resort to childish behaviour if anyone says otherwise.

I like the team but they are also rans when compared to the present Barcelona team and other top European clubs, even Bilbao made them look like amateurs in last season's Champions League and it's largely because the manager still persists with players that blatantly aren't up to the task.

It's nothing to do with the comparisons with Ronaldo, Nani isn't even a good player in his own right. I've seen players in Sunday pub teams who can cross the ball more consistently and for a player who's getting paid such obscene amounts you'd think he'd be able to take a decent corner more than once every 3-4 months.

I once read a article about Nani which said he's got a lifesize statue of himself on display in his house.....I reckon Fergie would get more of a return if he picked the statue.

As for Valencia being "a monster".....that's like saying Emile Heskey is the greatest goalscorer in football history :lol

United do sign lots of promising young talent, but most of them never get a proper chance in the team as they're sent out on loan straight away.
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Vwe are very lucky to have both Nani and especially Valencia since he is probably IMO the best winger the the EPL. Sure he doesn't score goals but he's the one that gives the strikers goals.
Vwe are very lucky to have both Nani and especially Valencia since he is probably IMO the best winger the the EPL. Sure he doesn't score goals but he's the one that gives the strikers goals.

The best winger in the prem is Bale by a long way.
I quite like Velencia tho, he's a decent player. Nani on his day can be un playable but he is very inconsistent.
If U nited sild him, I think there would be plenty of takers!
Vwe are very lucky to have both Nani and especially Valencia since he is probably IMO the best winger the the EPL.


When is Nani's day exactly?

It seems to be one of those mythical things that gets talked about a lot but never actually happens.
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When is Nani's day exactly?

It seems to be one of those mythical things that gets talked about a lot but never actually happens.

Well he didnt do to bad against us a few weeks back putting in a great cross to get you back in the game at a very important time!

Infact he gave Vertongen a torrid time on the right.
Like I say, can be great but few and far between. For whatever reason!
Well he didnt do to bad against us a few weeks back putting in a great cross to get you back in the game at a very important time!

Infact he gave Vertongen a torrid time on the right.
Like I say, can be great but few and far between. For whatever reason!

"a few weeks back" sums up the point I'm making....at the top level one decent game every so often is nowhere near enough.

Norwich 1-0 Man Utd

Without Rooney to carry the midfield United looked utterly lost against a hard working Norwich team that fully deserved the win.

The plodding midfield duo of Carrick & Giggs were predictably overran and typically poor performances from Young & Valencia meant that RVP and Chicharito were denied the sort of service they need to do their damage.

Things improved a bit when Scholes came on ( suprise suprise ) but they never looked like repeating their comebacks of recent weeks and that's now 3 defeats out of 12....most title winners only lose 4-5 games a season so at this stage it looks like City will once again have the last laugh.
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I think I already said that when I said "Nani on his day can be un playable but he is very inconsistent" :dunno
its incredible how fickle united fans are,
true they played bad today,, and most of the players like young , valencia, are just better than the average pl players
but you cant have a superstar player in every position on the field,
United inspite of losing are only still a point away, and the games they lost are ones they usually win all the time.just complacency,,
just shows how important Roony is important for United now,
and i still cant understand the Nani thrashing,today could have been a day he could have done something if he wasnt injured which some people were apparently pleased he was , lol
I dont think United can go and splash big money on one established player , they already have a squad big enough to field 2 seperate experienced PL teams, keeping everyone happy in terms of salary and playing time would be a nightmare, thoug some injuries are making selection easier,
its incredible how fickle united fans are,
true they played bad today,, and most of the players like young , valencia, are just better than the average pl players
but you cant have a superstar player in every position on the field,
United inspite of losing are only still a point away, and the games they lost are ones they usually win all the time.just complacency,,
just shows how important Roony is important for United now,
and i still cant understand the Nani thrashing,today could have been a day he could have done something if he wasnt injured which some people were apparently pleased he was , lol
I dont think United can go and splash big money on one established player , they already have a squad big enough to field 2 seperate experienced PL teams, keeping everyone happy in terms of salary and playing time would be a nightmare, thoug some injuries are making selection easier,

I am not being fickle, I'm just being honest about what I think of certain players as opposed to being so pathetically biased as to think they're all untouchable.

United don't have many superstars in ANY position any more and when one of them is a 38 year old they had to bring out of retirement it's clear that the club is on a downward spiral.

If you can't understand my opinion of Nani then you need to watch his games properly especially those in the last year or so and you'll see what I'm getting at,

He cannot cross the ball consistently, 9 out of every 10 corners don't even get into the box as he hits them straight at the first defender, he constantly loses the ball because he tries to take on too many players at once and in general his impact on games is virtually non existent for the vast majority of games.

The same goes for Young & Valencia....today's shambles was a classic example of what I'm getting at, they were no threat at all to a team like Norwich, so there's no hope of them being the type of player to cause the top European defenders any sleepless nights come the next stage of the Champions League.

Without Rooney the centre of midfield is like a gaping wound that teams will continue to poke at until the manager either wakes up and does something about it or ( more likely ) he retires and leaves his replacement with a huge mess to clear up.

The club have overtaken Liverpool's 18 league title wins and should now be going for their Champions League haul but since they were beaten in the final the first time by Barcelona they've effectively gone backwards and I don't think they'll even get to another final with Fergie in charge.....unless he clears out the 5-8 players that aren't up to the task and rebuilds properly.

The club's debt is now under £400 million and they're still turning a profit so there's less excuse for them not paying out for a few more proven players like they did with RVP.

Signing youngsters on the cheap is all well and good if they deliver but United haven't had any world class ones come through since Scholes and co in the early/mid 90's and "prospects" like Anderson have proved to be a complete waste of money.
I think I already said that when I said "Nani on his day can be un playable but he is very inconsistent" :dunno

Fair enough, but he's been at the club long enough now and he still hasn't fully delivered on whatever potential he showed as a youngster so I think it's time to try someone else.

He has the technical ability without question, but it seems he's got nothing between the ears as he never learns from his mistakes and is still making basic errors that should have been eliminated from his game before he got into his 20's.

If he had the football brain of Paul Scholes he'd be up there with Ronaldo and Messi.

Sadly, he doesn't.
After Ferguson retires,know that Man Utd is going to go under drastic changes. I can sense it....
After Ferguson retires,know that Man Utd is going to go under drastic changes. I can sense it....

All things must pass and the last 20 years have been a great ride, but it still sucks to see the team decline as it could have been avoided.

In the end Fergie's refusal to accept that several players aren't up to the task and buy adequate replacements will take some of the shine off all the good he's done and leave his replacement with a big mess to try and sort out.
All things must pass and the last 20 years have been a great ride, but it still sucks to see the team decline as it could have been avoided.

In the end Fergie's refusal to accept that several players aren't up to the task and buy adequate replacements will take some of the shine off all the good he's done and leave his replacement with a big mess to try and sort out.

It's going to be weird when Ferguson retires. He's been managing Man U for as long as I can remember I can't imagine anyone else doing it.
Personally, I think theres only one man for the job & that's Mourinho. I have sneaky feeling he'll eventually be heading to City though
damn did some arabs take over Leeds , looks like another club with money in the PL soon, will we see the likes of liverpool and united relegated with arabs taking over the other clubs lol
No Mourinho stated that he wants to manage a club with history, unlike City.

He also stated recently his next club will be blue.
With Mancini saying they would qualify for the champions league next season if ( more like when ) they go out, I think its cost him his job and also have a feeling Mourinho will take control.

Chelsea sack Robbie today lol. ~What a joke of a club! 9 manager in 9 years.

Few dodgy results but playing great football, in with a shout of the title ( couple of signings and decisions away imo ) and won the champions league !!
Good luck to Di Matteo. Did better than I thought and deserves a decent job in football!
I wonder if Rafa can get Torres playing like he did at Liverpool. I have a feeling he'll do well. Some people slate Rafa but I think he's a really good manager, yeah some dodgy signings but Liverpool have never been the same since he left.
I wonder if Pep will take over at the end of the season. That's the one Romans always wanted, it'll be interesting to see how well Pep will do at a new club. Not that I doubt his talent