Enough of the Lukes!!!

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I'm good with Luke figures... bring 'em on! I at least need Farmboy and Bespin before its all said and done :rock
gambit said:
oh yeah, that's why Luke & Yoda PF exclusive is still avaliable after months of release

and also both Luke PF's are selling cheaper than the 12" figures at ebay

I will be laughing with my ..ss if SS will make one more Luke
Really PF cheaper then 12"? So the its less then $100 bucks?

Oh and the number of Lukes is good so far 2 of each.
DouglasMcc said:
First off, it makes no sense to even compare PF to the 12" collectibles. There is a much smaller market for the PF than there is for the 12"ers. While everyone here loves them, overall, the Star Wars market prefers 12" figures. That's evident by the fact that most of the PF are worth less than retail right now. Even the all mighty Grevious with cape has begun to slide back closer to retail. Heck, my friend managed to win an auction for a regular Grevious for 230 bucks last month. Star Wars PF do not hold their value ... or at least, have not so far. So, trying to use the cost of Luke as proof that collectors don't want Luke is faulty logic.

The Tatooine PF and the convention exclusive PF version count as the same figure ... don't care if they were posed slightly different. Plus, the Dagobah Luke and Yoda wasn't a Luke centric release. SSC has gone on record as saying they produced it mainly to get a PF Yoda to the collector. Due to his size, it wouldn't have been reasonable to expect us to spend 200 to 300 on a Yoda only PF ... would it?

Besides, this Luke is not a regular release. It's a convention exclusive ... much in the same way Sith-eyed Anakin was the year before. How can you fault them for producing an exclusive for the A New Hope anniversary based on the movie's main focus/character?

As far as I am concerned, we have one regular Luke and one convention exclusive Luke ... just like Anakin. And that ratio seems fair.

P.S. You know there is a Tatooine Luke scheduled for later this year ... they wouldn't produce a new sculpt just for the convention. So, could everyone get their *****in' out now. The OT is Luke's story. So, there will be multiple Lukes. Just learn to deal with it.

I agree with what DouglasMcc has said. Well put and very logical. It's as if we share one mind. lol :google :D
Batman5 said:
I agree with what DouglasMcc has said. Well put and very logical. It's as if we share one mind. lol :google :D

Lol ... thanks for the compliment ... however, you do realize that you just set us up for someone who disagrees to call us "half-wits" correct? In the highly flammable world of internet discourse, you must carefully consider your words. It's like mowing lawns when I was a kid - I HATED mowing my uncle's lawn because he had 5 German Sheperds with healthy appetites - :sancho Well, the internet is a giant facsimile of my uncle's yard ... :lol
I like Luke, but I hope they don't reuse the ceremony sculpt for future ANH revisions.
jlcmsu said:
I'd like to see a nice space between the C4 Luke and the next one.

Not me. I want Luke in Stormtrooper gear this year. Then Luke can take a break. I love Luke but I agree I'm dying for Tarkin, TIE Pilots, Wedge Antilles. The funny thing is what I want most is Celebration Han with Medal of Yavin, Celebration Leia, Artoo, Threepio and Chewbacca to finish that display from the end of ANH.
Sideshow... again, welcome to Star Wars where you are damned if you do and damned if you dont. You have people like Homer yelling for more main characters and people like Febeca who want more variety and background.
It's been over a year from Jedi Luke's announcement and shipping. I think it is time for another one, Although I was hoping for x-wing pilot gear.
there's one luke that i'm waiting for---- Jedi version. i hope they do wait a while and come out with more characters, but i hope they get to that version eventually.
If my choice is Luke or more furniture. I'll take the Luke. That is unless it ROTJ Palpatine and throne.
hairlesswookiee said:
there's one luke that i'm waiting for---- Jedi version. i hope they do wait a while and come out with more characters, but i hope they get to that version eventually.

Are you talking PF or talking Endor scheme? I'm really waiting for a Bespin Luke but hope they wait until they release a Bespin Armored Vader to pair it with. :D
First off, it makes no sense to even compare PF to the 12" collectibles. There is a much smaller market for the PF than there is for the 12"ers. While everyone here loves them, overall, the Star Wars market prefers 12" figures. That's evident by the fact that most of the PF are worth less than retail right now. Even the all mighty Grevious with cape has begun to slide back closer to retail. Heck, my friend managed to win an auction for a regular Grevious for 230 bucks last month. Star Wars PF do not hold their value ... or at least, have not so far. So, trying to use the cost of Luke as proof that collectors don't want Luke is faulty logic.

ok, there are 2 Lukes and 1 convention exclusive and with new announcement 2 pcs 12" figure.
the reason for PF's do not hold their value is due to crazy edition sizes. If you make 4000 pcs Grievous, priced at 450$, it shall be obvious that the price will drop eventually. 12" sold more because they are so cheap

The Tatooine PF and the convention exclusive PF version count as the same figure ... don't care if they were posed slightly different. Plus, the Dagobah Luke and Yoda wasn't a Luke centric release. SSC has gone on record as saying they produced it mainly to get a PF Yoda to the collector. Due to his size, it wouldn't have been reasonable to expect us to spend 200 to 300 on a Yoda only PF ... would it?

ok, count them as one but the Dagobah is a Luke Centric item. Luke is in full size and that pose is from the training of Luke. Sideshow found themselves a reason to say that we did not want to make a Luke but we had to due to Yoda. It would be reasonable to make a Yoda PF and sell for 200 $ if he would have a full size dynamic standing pose with a light uo lightup saber. I would kill to get Yoda even for 300 $ if SS would make such PF. Plus when we are getting all characters in full size PF form, but yoda in a market basket behind Luke doesn't make justice to a such important character

Besides, this Luke is not a regular release. It's a convention exclusive ... much in the same way Sith-eyed Anakin was the year before. How can you fault them for producing an exclusive for the A New Hope anniversary based on the movie's main focus/character?

I am not accusing Sideshow about the convention exclusive. I am just saying that, we have enough Luke's now.I want to see / buy other characters. Why shall I have to see Luke over and over again when there are 100 more characters in the SW universe.

P.S. You know there is a Tatooine Luke scheduled for later this year ... they wouldn't produce a new sculpt just for the convention. So, could everyone get their *****in' out now. The OT is Luke's story. So, there will be multiple Lukes. Just learn to deal with it.

I am sure that 12" will sell also without doubt as 12" are cheap. But this doesn't change the fact that Sideshow is playing easy with repeating characters. OT might be Luke's story but everyone on this board is not a hardcore Luke fan. What is the meaning of the board, if everyone would get their *****in' out. this board is to discuss and read different opinions of people and I am suprised that some people are not wellcome to different ideas at all. If you are not happy with the other opinions, you can also get your *****in' out now.
hairlesswookiee said:
there's one luke that i'm waiting for---- Jedi version. i hope they do wait a while and come out with more characters, but i hope they get to that version eventually.

You mean Jedi luke in a PF?
I agree with the OP. Enough Luke 1/6 and PF releases already. Bring on :emperor .
I don't mind the Lukes. I would imagine we will get at least one every year. The guy changes outfits more times than his Mom. :lol
I don't think there are too many 1:6 Lukes yet. We have Jedi and soon CONVENTION EXCLUSIVE Yavin Luke. One regular figure and an exclusive isn't too many. Hasbro has a Luke in practically every wave that comes out every other month. Thats too many.


PF, do have plenty of Lukes compaired to the number of PF released though. I'd say take it easy on Luke for a few years.
I hate the idea of multiple characters in a line, maybe later down the road but this early is stupid. Thats one less character that could of been made, and in Star Wars the possibilities of characters is endless.

So why did they make another Luke instead of the Emperor, or any other character that is a must have?