What a circle-jerk of a thread

A couple of folks reasonably point out the obvious flaws with this figure
as a set and this is met by the usual apologist bleating about others complaining because they can't afford it, or helpfully suggesting that parts that are reasonably perceived as glaring omissions can be custom made.
What is in the set is fantastic, but it's a mess of an assembly of cobbled together, mis-matched accessories. I have no problem with 'rewarding' buyers of the first version with accessories that should've been offered in the first place, but not at the expense of delivering screen-accurate options with this one.
What is shown here tops the HT 1/6 equivalent IMO - but as a set, the DX wins hands down. I am drawn to the scale of this though - I passed on the DX but am drawn to this despite the flaws I see in it. I just wish they'd put a bit more effort into it as a set.