ENTERBAY 1:4 HD Masterpiece Series-Terminator 2-BD T-800 Full Specs and Pics

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I was on the fence before, but I may actually pony up the cash for the HT release as well.

After this and the HT version are in hand, I'll be putting cash aside for the 1:4 HT Police Shootout Arnie and the 1:4 EB Endo... then I reckon I'll be putting a lid on my Terminator collection.
Someone sell me their clean grey t-shirt :pfft:


Seeing as so many people seem to be objecting over the conversion accessories, i wouldn't be surprised if those same people sell the additional stuff on ebay to recoup some costs. I mean, if they think the minigun/grey shirt/clean leather gloved hands etc are so pointless, may as well sell it, right?
Why include the Gatling gun if there's no semi BD head? Seems like a waste.

Edit: so these accessories are really for version one? Wth?
Seeing as so many people seem to be objecting over the conversion accessories, i wouldn't be surprised if those same people sell the additional stuff on ebay to recoup some costs. I mean, if they think the minigun/grey shirt/clean leather gloved hands etc are so pointless, may as well sell it, right?

Unfortunately if I do keep my order I'd prefer to keep the set complete even if it does mean 95% of the accessories never come out of the clamshell :slap
Why include the Gatling gun if there's no semi BD head? Seems like a waste.

It's to cyberdyne the first release. Also, does arnie even have any battledamage while weilding the minigun? I thought he got that later? A second headsculpt wouldn't make any more sense then what you get now.

If anything, and in an ideal world, the first release should have come with the minigun, thumper bandoleer, and genades and grey shirt, as well as everything it already came with (this would alow for clean look and cyberdyne but would cost more then it did) While the BD release should have come with a damaged thumper, and pole (not sure why people want the pole tbh) and would cost less then the original

The way they've done it now almost achieves the same thing, minus one or 2 things, but you need to buy both to achieve all 3 looks. The solution above would have given you 2 full looks in one figure. And the third look in another. But really, who cares...lol
personally I can't tell, but can anybody see if you can load the grenades into the M-79?

I see that it 'breaks' in half, but I can't seem to tell if thats a grenade in the barrel or if its sort of just a solid piece, ala the old mcfarlane movie maniacs T-800
personally I can't tell, but can anybody see if you can load the grenades into the M-79?

I see that it 'breaks' in half, but I can't seem to tell if thats a grenade in the barrel or if its sort of just a solid piece, ala the old mcfarlane movie maniacs T-800


Based on this image, yes
Aside from the wonky look of the battle damaged arm, I've really got no quibbles over this! I understand the fandom and their hunger for perfection though.
Aside from the wonky look of the battle damaged arm, I've really got no quibbles over this! I understand the fandom and their hunger for perfection though.

Yeah, definitely the biggest problem. Weirdly, What i'm hoping is that they've cheaped out and just used the endo arm that came with the first release and just ripped bits off, because then i'd at least know you can easily remove it from the "flesh stump". Meaning it'll be easy to make your own crushed arm to stick in the stumps "hole" for a better look. That way no damage to the original pieces, and you end up with something that looks better.
This is hands down the most impressive mass production sculpt i have ever seen. This bad boy will become the centre piece of my collection (sorry Enterbay Batman), and will look great next to my clean version.
While the BD release should have come with a damaged thumper, and pole (not sure why people want the pole tbh)

Because such a thing is surprisingly difficult to find otherwise. And it is used quite a lot in the steel mill scenes - T-800 freeing himself from the giant gears, T-800 cutting T-1000 in half with it, T-1000 beating T-800 with it, T-1000 impaling T-800 with it, T-800 pulling it out of himself......that all sounded pornographic.