This figure is just staggeringly good. Notice I italicised there. I often do but seriously!
The two only negatives points are:
- blood looks cheap on some area (endoskull arm for example) but you can clean it up with your fingernail
- the 20 seconds light up
Looking good - end of Jan can't come soon enough. This guy, a 1/4 Endo...the T1 Police-Shoot out 1/4 from HT. What else? EB T-1000 1/4? Otherwise, I'd go as far to say...that's all the Terminator collectibles I'd ever need...and what a shelf that'll be!!!
Not very happy with my pictures but anyway...
^^^ last image
Looks freaking REAL. Awesome shot. Best one yet imo.
Why you are not happy? Your pics are the best that I've seen so far.
Congrats, figure looks fantastic.
someone can tell me where is the light switch located? thnx
The button is the battle damaged endo part on the back of the head.
so the button is the entire endo part in the back?