Any fears I had about the production paint job evaporated when I saw this picture. That is amazing!
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And now it's allready out for delivery ? That's really really fast.. did you upgrade the shipping from standard to priority ?
Will the endo arm from the first T2 fit on this I wonder!
Wicked pics!
If I was going to have an innaccurate display of this figure using the minigun I'd use that arm if possible. That way the missing jacket sleeve is actually showing off something.
wow that BD Endo arm looks horrible . Definitely doesn't look like it got severed in a giant gear wheel.
Way to clean cuts
Looking good - end of Jan can't come soon enough. This guy, a 1/4 Endo...the T1 Police-Shoot out 1/4 from HT. What else? EB T-1000 1/4? Otherwise, I'd go as far to say...that's all the Terminator collectibles I'd ever need...and what a shelf that'll be!!!
This is $500 at BBTS. I'm in California, do you think Timcent will have this in February? Would it be cheaper to order through him than BBTS? Do his rates go up?
Not very happy with my pictures but anyway..