Canceled my order at bbts, this fig just looks worse by the pic. Keeping the Joker order though.
Really dude? a few bad pics with the fig badly posed the cape put on wrong the clips on wrong, and the photos seem to be taken in VERY VERY broad daylight which won't help any figure...all the other pics it looks fine to me and more than enough to keep my order and till be excited for this
Without any doubt in my mind, that is THE most realistic painted head / skin tone I've ever seen on a collectible at any scale. It's indistinguishable from the skin of your hand! What an amazing achievement to paint something as good as this. These guys are phenomenally talented.
Damn that's a long ass sentence.
I don't know what your talking aboutlol
Ok ******* question im tempted to order this now what site has it in stock and the best price?im in the states btw.
I don't know what your talking aboutlol
Your punctuation was stealthy, League of Shadows stuff!
Damn that's a long ass sentence.
Does sideshow carry eb stuff?
Voorhees, i just read the last couple pages and I gotta tell ya, youve cracked me up a bit. congradulations
Their official distributor is Diamond (recently announced), so I assume many local comic shops in NA will be getting these through Diamond.
Gentlemen, time to spread the word. And the word is:
I really hope mine doesn't have such huge contrast
Are these your pictures intothevoid? MAN!! For someone who is so detail oriented, how could take these shots!?!?The clips on the cape are too far back and the lighting makes the cowl just SHINE!!