Really nervous about getting this guy from BBTS, He looks great, but I am hearing the QC issue are outrageous. Is it really that bad?
I got mine from a local dealer -- no QC issues at all. The mods I did on my EB 1/4 Batman were to fix the design flaws such as the magnets for the cape and the excess padding on the torso area.
I got mine from a local dealer -- no QC issues at all. The mods I did on my EB 1/4 Batman were to fix the design flaws such as the magnets for the cape and the excess padding on the torso area.
Yea I think I will buy it today from BBTS. If there are any problems I will return it and get the QS001. But I might be in the minority when I say I think this is a better looking figure so I am hoping that it comes in great shape.
I got one of these recently and was thinking i need to do these too. I've done the belt mod but i don't like his gut or the fact i cant sit his head completely down cuz of the magnet placing
What i do want to know is how difficult are they to do really? I'm not a mod expect but i did some light modding to the DX12 and i'll give anything a try if i feel like it's not something i can potentially ruin the figure with
I know i can just cut some of the belly padding off if i undone his top because i had a look but how much did you end up cutting off? i don't want the rubber to sag in or anything.
Sorry if these have all been answered before
Just curious as to why you feel its a much better looking figure. I own it and absolutely refuse to ever part ways with it. I will say that I think I like the bigger neck on the Begins cowl. They were trying to make it like a panther. I think that it really worked. But as a whole, the sophistication and armored look is slightly superior in my eyes. Begins suit is more comic Batman come to life while TDK armored suit makes more sense from a realistic standpoint. QS001 looks more impressive overall to me. Just my opinion.
They aren't difficult at all. I followed Maglors videos and basically made adjustments where I felt it was necessary. The only real potential scare of ruining the figure is when i was cutting near his "g string". I was cutting the padding and started to get the shakes. Almost sliced right through that thing. Other than that, if you follow what he does, you should have zero problems. The rubber around my figures midsection and waist doesn't sag but if he's posed a certain way, you can see that there is a slight gap. But you really have to be looking.
Great thanks for these!
One thing, the Batman i have received, the gstring connector can be removed freely? i can lift the top up completely fine.
I seems like there are 2 bits that stick out on the top plate that press into holes in the bottom plat on the gstring connector.
If you understand me haha
Well most of why I like it is kind of what you said, I just think his sculpt on all the heads and mouths just look better. And I do like the begins suit more.
I won’t deny that the QS001 overall is the better figure, but I don’t know, when I see pics of the enter bay batman and the QS001, I just find the Begins batman to be almost realistic.
Thats why I said I might be in the minority, the QS001 seems like the the Bale sculpt without the mask looks better than the Enterbay one and thats the sculpt I want to use.
Well the EB batman does look amazing in all the pictures I've seen of it...that cowl sculpt is perfect, but the QS001 looks just as good if not better in this pic IMO. If it comes out looking anything like that on the final product I will cry tears of joy.
The rubber around my figures midsection and waist doesn't sag but if he's posed a certain way, you can see that there is a slight gap. But you really have to be looking.
Great thanks for these!
One thing, the Batman i have received, the gstring connector can be removed freely? i can lift the top up completely fine.
I seems like there are 2 bits that stick out on the top plate that press into holes in the bottom plat on the gstring connector.
If you understand me haha