ENTERBAY 1:4 HD Masterpiece Series - The Dark Knight - Batman Full Specs and Pics

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And that place is somewhere no ordinary mortal can venture...:lecture

except that extra attention to detail will give them (more so HT than EB most likely) a reason to jump the price again

but if you want a exact perfect representation from the 1:1 scale,you're talking about one of a kind, thousands of dollars figure to perfect every single detail. Bottom line, this is still a mass produced figure.


Well see things like the size of the clips, the lack of a glossy finish on the gauntlets, the lack of a matt finish on the cowl, the belt being too small around the waist - these are all things that IMO are wrong due to oversight and nothing to do with cost. Same with stuff like Joker socks being wrong on HT's Jokers, on their Batman figures having skinny and long necks. These are oversights showing pure lack of attention to detail - if they paid attention, the errors wouldn't have happened and the cost of the figures to us would be the same.

Things like why he doesn't have a higher quality cape, or why the eyes are not made of glass, or why the accessories are not metal - those are things that IMO would impact cost, and there I can see your point that you'd rather save that extra $30-50 incremental cost for the more accurate materials etc.


Jeez someone isn't going to come and look at your collection, put the film on and say, 'WOW those clips are too big'. Because its a minute and a frankly OCD nitpick !!!

Really? REALLY?

Who ____ing cares about that? I know I'm not buying these collectibles to get approval from people who see my collection. I'm buying them for myself. I sure as hell don't care whether or not someone else can pick out the inaccurate details that I would notice.

Hmmm... it makes sense now why certain people get so pissed off at the people who "nitpick" inaccuracies. It's must feel like someone coming into your room and disapproving of your collection. :lol :rolleyes:


Really? REALLY?

Who ____ing cares about that? I know I'm not buying these collectibles to get approval from people who see my collection. I'm buying them for myself. I sure as hell don't care whether or not someone else can pick out the inaccurate details that I would notice.

Hmmm... it makes sense now why certain people get so pissed off at the people who "nitpick" inaccuracies. It's must feel like someone coming into your room and disapproving of your collection. :lol :rolleyes:

Nice bit of Mod brown nosing there. Congrats. :clap:clap:clap

I don't buy these figures for anyone but myself. I said that to emphasize how much the clips aren't a factor at all and they aren't going to stand out. Its just being ____
Ok, I'm a little bit boggled by the fact that there's like ten pages of people unhappy (or apathetic) about the size of the clips, and there's all of one sentence devoted to the biggest problem of this figure (other than the bizarre head sculpt) : the cowls all look like plastic because they're shiny. How is it: A) they could have missed a huge issue like that (it's not a minor detail, it affects the appearance of the entire figure), and B) no one seems to mind at all? I didn't realize how big an issue it was until I saw video reviews of the figure in hand. It's a big issue. That alone makes this figure a no brainer to me: not going to buy it.
Ok, I'm a little bit boggled by the fact that there's like ten pages of people unhappy (or apathetic) about the size of the clips, and there's all of one sentence devoted to the biggest problem of this figure (other than the bizarre head sculpt) : the cowls all look like plastic because they're shiny. How is it: A) they could have missed a huge issue like that (it's not a minor detail, it affects the appearance of the entire figure), and B) no one seems to mind at all? I didn't realize how big an issue it was until I saw video reviews of the figure in hand. It's a big issue. That alone makes this figure a no brainer to me: not going to buy it.

I don't think people are talking about it because it's a mind numbingly simple fix...spray dullcoat...done. I plan on doing this myself.
So awesome :yess:

And it's 1:4 :yess:

People who haven't experienced a collectible at this size before are going to be amazed :rock

I usually think lolcats are cute but if the ones in the club look like that I'm glad I'm not a member :lol

I don't think people are talking about it because it's a mind numbingly simple fix...spray dullcoat...done. I plan on doing this myself.

best part is that the mouth's are removeable so you don't have to worry about trying to avoid it. After the matte finish completely dries, just a few coats of gloss ont he eyes and you're good to go
Really? REALLY?

Who ____ing cares about that? I know I'm not buying these collectibles to get approval from people who see my collection. I'm buying them for myself. I sure as hell don't care whether or not someone else can pick out the inaccurate details that I would notice.
this :lecture:goodpost:
Sachiel said:
Hmmm... it makes sense now why certain people get so pissed off at the people who "nitpick" inaccuracies. It's must feel like someone coming into your room and disapproving of your collection. :lol :rolleyes:
this too :lecture
I don't really care about the nitpicking persay. ppl point it out that's cool with me. it's when it's on almost every page and consumes the thread that it gets a tad annoying. but it could be the same for the nitpickers in that they might get tired of hearing ppl say it's perfect when they feel it's not. Both sides probably thinking "Y U NO SEE WHAT I SEE?" and all that... but like you said, hearing about what many feel are minute inaccuracies about a collectible you like and tearing it to shreds really can make you feel like someone just took a s___ all over one of your favorite collectibles :lol can't win for losing really
great pisc! thanks retaane!

did you spray the cowl with some matte finish? if not, it looks pretty good there and not so shiney

Lower. The. Belt.


hasn't he already said that it needs alonger clip thing in the back if you want to lower it, otherwise it's too tight?