ENTERBAY 1:4 HD Masterpiece Series - The Dark Knight - Batman Full Specs and Pics

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I think overall its fair to say this is the best mass produced OC we've seen. And for that to come from Enterbay of all companies is saying something.
I think overall its fair to say this is the best mass produced OC we've seen. And for that to come from Enterbay of all companies is saying something.

Whole heartedly agree there

But that in and of itself doesn't make the figure anywhere close to perfect
If I had to put a number on it I'd say the HT was about 75% there and the EB is about 90%

My point is that BOTH companies ate fully capable of reaching 95%+ with just a little more attention to detail

That extra attention to detail I feel is warranted for what we pay for these things
Whole heartedly agree there

But that in and of itself doesn't make the figure anywhere close to perfect
If I had to put a number on it I'd say the HT was about 75% there and the EB is about 90%

My point is that BOTH companies ate fully capable of reaching 95%+ with just a little more attention to detail

That extra attention to detail I feel is warranted for what we pay for these things

except that extra attention to detail will give them (more so HT than EB most likely) a reason to jump the price again. Ever since HT made an announcement idk how long ago about them now supposedly using superior paint apps and sculpting detail, prices have started to rise faster than they ever did before. It used to be a figure here and there was a little pricier than normal but it usually felt somewhat worth it. now almost each new figure is higher priced than the last and many times with less accessories and such
I've noticed that a lot of people pronounce "PERS" as a word. Does everyone do that? I think it sounds weird. :p

I don't know any collectors in real life, so it doesn't come up in conversation. But if reading a sentence to myself, it's definitely the phonetic "purse".
I don't know any collectors in real life, so it doesn't come up in conversation. But if reading a sentence to myself, it's definitely the phonetic "purse".

:lol :exactly:

thats the way I read it but when it comes into conversation I just say "the moving eyes" or something to that effect :lol
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I think overall its fair to say this is the best mass produced OC we've seen. And for that to come from Enterbay of all companies is saying something.

I agree.
The thing is, this is a figure that is already done and looks pretty awesome, huge achievement by EB IMO. If this was a proto, then the nitpicking/criticism would be good and "could" result in an improved figure in the end. I would be the first to nitpick.

This figure is so good, that people needs to find things to nitpick. That happens all the time when something as good as this appears. That's the nature of the game and forums. But the true is, there won't be EVER a 100% accurate figure, from any manufacturer. Even collectibles/props/replicas that comes from "original molds" will have a degree of imperfection or two.... just cause the molding/casting process itself. And even if there is something 100% perfect, people will STILL find something to complain. That's the nature of the game.

I personally don't care or mind what others says. Have been in internet forums since a long time to know better. I buy what I buy based on my tastes, not cause what someone says or thinks. I will skim trough all the BS and find what I need to make my mind about my purchase, and be done with it. Simply as that. :)
I think intothevoid is perfectionist which I don't have complain about. I never check all the details and easily pleased. while you make me upset by pointing all the problems and make me change my judgement about this batman ( I used to think this batman is pretty much perfect, except for the bale HS), I respect your opinion.
I don't know, but people like you are needed to show what improvement a figure might need. If every person satisfied with what DX02 looked like, or even HT batman begins, then we will never even see this EB Batman.
but I also do agree with ash housewares that no people will realize how big the clips are.
As I said before, some people easily pleased like me, some people don't.
Let's all get along and order this cool Batman figure:yess:
except that extra attention to detail will give them (more so HT than EB most likely) a reason to jump the price again. Ever since HT made an announcement idk how long ago about them now supposedly using superior paint apps and sculpting detail, prices have started to rise faster than they ever did before. It used to be a figure here and there was a little pricier than normal but it usually felt somewhat worth it. now almost each new figure is higher priced than the last and many times with less accessories and such

Like I've said before, that detail can be achieved with custom standalone pieces, but is difficult on a mass-production scale. That's why EB may have gotten it closer(although the Bale sculpt is way off), because they probably have lower quantities and less of an assembly-line dynamic than HT.

I don't know any collectors in real life, so it doesn't come up in conversation. But if reading a sentence to myself, it's definitely the phonetic "purse".

Personally, I've been pronouncing it "purz".

On another note, should I change the caption on my banner pick from "Best Friends Forever" to "Bromance"? Poll time... :lol
If there is a way to do it, when I get mine I'm going to pose it WITHOUT THE FREAKING CLIPS. :horror

He never should have had them in the first place and this is my way setting Nolan & company straight.
That'll teach him. :stick :yess:

...and then I'll post pics here and watch the world burn. :nana: :D
Some acronyms are pronounced using their letters and I've always read it as Pee E Are Ess but I don't think there is an official way.
Like I've said before, that detail can be achieved with custom standalone pieces, but is difficult on a mass-production scale. That's why EB may have gotten it closer(although the Bale sculpt is way off), because they probably have lower quantities and less of an assembly-line dynamic than HT.

I agree except with your opinion about the Bale sculpt. much closer than all HT attempts except for the DX12.

Anywhoo, I'm not complaining about detail. most folks may/should know by now that I'm not really one to complain. Just commenting on what Void said about that the attention to detail for the price :)
I get weird enough looks for having little dolls in my office, I think it's best to stop short of getting into specifics. :lecture

Gotta call them action figures... that way instead of looking like a girl, you're a little kid. Enhance the effect by giving them manly voices and fake-flying them through the air. :rotfl
