These are the Master Light House 1/4 scale display cases. I installed a 6" light bar in each case & I'm pleased with the outcome. I don't feel the need to put the original spot lights back in. I got them from 6" bar, pigtail cord, power supply & dimmer. I'm waiting for 1 more to come in then my 1/4 scale display area will be done. IMHO a dimmer is a must...they are super bright at full intensity, this pic is ~ 25% on.Agreed. Very beautiful display. I love how light bounces of the cases' walls giving off multiple reflections like in a mirror house.
What mods did you do on your display cases if you don't mind my asking, Karnis?
hey all, decided to sell mine. $1000 is what i want for it or $1400 with the smiling head included. if anyone is interested email me at [email protected]
smiling head optional
hey all, decided to sell mine. $1000 is what i want for it or $1400 with the smiling head included. if anyone is interested email me at [email protected]
smiling head optional
I've got a chance to pick up a brand new, sealed EB 1/4 Joker for $450 plus shipping. Is that a pretty decent deal? The prices I've seen on eBay recently are nuts and all the ones for sale here on the board have dried up so I'm wondering if I should jump on this one.
Hey guys I'm looking for a 1/4 scale joker at the moment , If anyone has one for sale ( not really looking to pay evilly prices ) please PM me!