Well they do, but it depends on the figure, let's just say EB is known for QC problems, that is why a lot of people get timcent from ebay to check out the products before he sends them to u. I think just about everyone had some level of sticky paint on their EB Joker. Their Bruce Lee had a big split in the right side of the body, on probably almost every figure. I think the EB Batman did not have any major QC issues when it had problems but I am not sure. As far as faulty products nothing really beats the MIB figures. There were too many problems with those figures to mention here and I can't remember them all.
I would say that is their main problem, because even Hot Toys has QC problems but unlike EB they try to rectify the issue by putting plastic abs on the DX02 figure when the rubber abs were leaking oil for example. I mean EBs solution to fixing a problem was to sticky tape the knees of the MIB figures after customers returned the figures to them complaining the legs kept collapsing.
I can only go by what I have heard, so from what I have read the bad does outweigh the good, but you have had no problems with your figures and MJ is considered to be one of the most fragile figures ever made! So I think it is just the luck of the draw because a lot of people are happy to order from EB direct since they have never had any QC problems. BTW when did u start collecting EB figures?