That I would agree with.
I didn't know it took that many goes before they switched the rubber abs to plastic ones.
Yeah that was the main reason orders from the US were on hold because of that fiasco!This was before HT had SSC as a distributor so the only way to get the DX02 was through DC Direct.I think it took about a half of year if not more for them to come to a solution.
Did that come out or before the DX02?
I think it came out after but was made before the DX02.
Yeah all companies do, sideshow is pretty bad but EB has most common detrimental problems on average and the bodies they use are the worst, just ask Kapital about the poorly designed shoulders on the T-800 body and why he switched the clean version arms with the BD version arms. I have had a few QC issues on my Hot Toys figures but nothing as bad as the problems I have had with one of my EB Jokers, parts were rattling inside, the long leg syndrome and the ****ing chain just disintegrated after just touching it and the most common problem of all sticky paint.

EB figures just look like they have been cheaply made, I think the EB Batman has ziptie to hold the belt together right?
Well here lies the problem with being the small fish in the big pond!You have to get the first bite before the bigger fishes eat it all so what does EB do,they put out an articulated quarter scale figure without proper testing.Without taking in consideration the long term degradation of the plastic used as well as the quality.This is where HT differs,cause they take their time so much so that some figures take years before they're released after inital announcement.The T-800 clean version was EB first step into an uncharted territory where the few that did venture came out losing.They at least quickly learned from there mistake cause I have/had both T800's and the joints on the BD are miles better than the clean one so I can see why Kapital would use this figures joints for replacement.As for the Joker,its a hit or miss caus some had no problems whatsoever while others got hit with every QC issue that EB offered including their bathroom sink!Personally,I've been very fortunate cause every EB figure that I owned has never had a issue(THANK GOD!)!As for cheaply made,well that comes down to preference my friend because I personally think the HT 1/4 Batman looks like a toy compared to my EB Batman but others will or have said different.Batman Begins belt had zip ties in the movie TDK but not sure if it was the same after the new suit?^_^