I wish then that they'd share this treasure. A complete T2 sountrack would be a grail acquisition.

I feel the same, much better to have the arrangement exactly as it was in the film even if you end up with tracks with 13 second running times. Other things that annoy me are the likes of alternate cues being inserted where they weren't in the film (such as a piece thats in the Empire strikes back main titles on the cd but is never in the film) or the alternate versions of certain tracks of the Aliens score for some unknown reason being the defaults while the actual movie versions are only included as 'bonus' tracks at the end. I don't get why Horner would do that.
Yep, I remember the last time being hyped on something that isn´t even consider "music" by a few of my friends. The part where the T-800 steps into the light in T:S and the OST didn´t have this part, but the leaked full score has it, epic.
More from that, same with the Full score of Aliens inherited by the Anthology BR. Some many pieces the OST didn´t had or as those alternate cues you mentioned, Dev.
Most of the composers want your focus on their work only, and I can understand their perspective. In the movies, most of the time, the music is part but you don't hear the music purely. They want the CDs to stand as symbols of their abilities and you to hear the music as they feel it flows best rather than in the order of scenes it fits too.
I'm just glad any T2 score was released, and original Fiedel music not some orchestra performing his stuff. I've had to settle for some score music performed by other composers before and while it's something, you can't beat the original.
I know what you mean, Sean. But I guess since we want the score as we remember him...shouldn´t it give the impression that we love the music and take it for what it is and REALLY honor the artists work?!