ENTERBAY 1:4 scale Terminator2 T800

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Extra pistal and bare feet were the exclusives :\






This figure is ridiculously good. No doubt. & I'm not even really a fan of the movie. That's how good it is. When a character I have little, to no interest in, makes me want to purchase their figure. Colour me impressed.

This is the most impressive figure I've seen in a bit. If this figure was of a character I was actually interested in, with the same kind of quality & wow factor, I wouldn't even know how excited I would be.

You T800 fans have yourself a nice collectible here.

Thanks for the pics Cosmos, & thanks Enterbay for this :hi5:
This figure is just ridiculously awesome. But im very happy with my hot toys one so i can resist this. I hope EB don't start making iron man armors in 1/4 scale now though coz that will definitely destroy my wallet and sanity.
This figure is just ridiculously awesome. But im very happy with my hot toys one so i can resist this. I hope EB don't start making iron man armors in 1/4 scale now though coz that will definitely destroy my wallet and sanity.

I've heard that they're going to.
Wow! On one of those pics I thought you'd stuck in a real picture of Arnie for a comparison! Just shows how good it's lookin' :yess:
People are right about the shoes though, too weathered. Slightly
less than the other photos but still way to weathered. I noticed the
dirty shoes in the movie but this is just too dirty. Still over the moon though.
Wow! On one of those pics I thought you'd stuck in a real picture of Arnie for a comparison! Just shows how good it's lookin' :yess:
People are right about the shoes though, too weathered. Slightly
less than the other photos but still way to weathered. I noticed the
dirty shoes in the movie but this is just too dirty. Still over the moon though.

You can polish the shoes if you want,it's real leather.
Without any hesitation the best Arnold T-800 likeness & figure ever!
Nothing's perfect but this figure with the glasses on is darn near imho.
The quality on every level surpasses my wildest dreams...can't wait for this and the Fat Boy... :hi5:

Wow, this thing is unreal man! With some nice photography and good pose you cold almost pass this as the real Arnold! :clap
*opens wallet* "I know now why you cry"

Someone posted that in the HT T-800 thread and it still tickles me to this day. It applies to this figure too! But it's definitely worth it.
Im excited what EB bring in the next years.
The sculptor knows Schwarzenegger very good, better than any other.
Huge respect for this person, but lets hope this is not a one hit wonder.

I would say this EB sculpt is almost on par with the SS one. IMO the SS version is still the best sculpt at 1/4 out there and this is the second one.



The Sideshow PF sculpt will always be awesome, just a shame about the rest of the figure for me, the pose has always put me off.
Agreed about the rest of the statue and because of that EB wins the match! By the way I have no problem with the pose. My main problem is with the skinny body. Also very nice photos COSMOSTARX! There are so much detail there! All in all it is a very nice figure.
Figure is definitely a game changer and years ahead of the game.
Real steel accessories, real leather clothes, 1/4 articulated .....and a crazy high price tag to match :D

Hats off to Enterbay.

Will be interesting to see how this (along with EB's 1/4 Batman and Joker) alter the collectibles market as a whole.

....because does anyone think Hot Toys is just going to sit back and let Enterbay solely rule a 1/4 figure market?
....because does anyone think Hot Toys is just going to sit back and let Enterbay solely rule a 1/4 figure market?

it's a very interesting point.

However, I do think Enterbay may be biting off more than they can chew and wonder how long they can last.
Hot Toys are already expensive enough and i think for most folks, this is as expensive an action figure should get.
Now with Enterbay, the price, not to mention the size is nearly double.

I wonder who among us has both money and the room for a 1/4 scale figure collection.

For me personally, as much as I think this EB T2 is really impressive, Hot Toys is plenty enough action figure for me and my home.