Enterbay - Al Pacino - Scarface

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Screaming expression is much harder to get the likeness right than a neutral expression.
Screaming expression is much harder to get the likeness right than a neutral expression.

Not really...


...basically they butchered the sculpt. They made Tony look like he's been getting high off his own cream pies.
Here are some clearer pictures:





Photo credit: Jay_C @ ToysDaily.com
Not really...


...basically they butchered the sculpt. They made Tony look like he's been getting high off his own cream pies.

That's the exception not the rule. It's pretty safe to safe that it's more difficult to capture likeness in an expression like that than no expression otherwise we'd see a lot more of it instead of 99.9% expressionless.
That's the exception not the rule. It's pretty safe to safe that it's more difficult to capture likeness in an expression like that than no expression otherwise we'd see a lot more of it instead of 99.9% expressionless.

I disagree generally, but especially when it comes to comparisons between the two Scarface figures. BW's doesn't have 'no expression', it is a very, very well realised portrait of Tony Montana's character.

The reason we see so many 'neutral' expressions isn't so much to do with the limited talent of the artist as the desired versatility of the figure in posing, as well as the likeness demands of those granting the license.

There's only one way the black-suited Tony can be posed - he's locked into the battle scene and that's it. Unfortunately the talent of the artist is the issue here, because even in regard to the very specific scene on which it's based, it falls well short of the mark.
I disagree generally, but especially when it comes to comparisons between the two Scarface figures. BW's doesn't have 'no expression', it is a very, very well realised portrait of Tony Montana's character.

The reason we see so many 'neutral' expressions isn't so much to do with the limited talent of the artist as the desired versatility of the figure in posing, as well as the likeness demands of those granting the license.

There's only one way the black-suited Tony can be posed - he's locked into the battle scene and that's it. Unfortunately the talent of the artist is the issue here, because even in regard to the very specific scene on which it's based, it falls well short of the mark.

Agree about BW's sculpt but I disagree overall.

HT recently tried a smiling sculpt with DX Jack and it looked awful, yet the neutral one is absolutely stunning. Unless there were 2 different artists working on those 2 sculpts, I don't see any reason 1 would capture the likeness so perfectly and the other would fail so miserably :dunno

Some characters should not have neutral sculpts at all since it's not befitting of their personality - Thor would be the most recent example. Any way you pose that figure he looks bad, usually like a lost puppy.

At any rate, I'm veering off topic so I'll shoosh now :D
Not really...


...basically they butchered the sculpt. They made Tony look like he's been getting high off his own cream pies.

A reference source of neutral expression can be found from many different angles unlike one scene when he's about to blow up the door. Remember, it's not like drawing where you have only one reference photo. In 3D you want as many angles as possible.
I'm digging the accessories for both of these guys. Other than that I'm sticking with the BW Scarface. Here's hoping they get around to making a black suit Tony and they can throw some of theses accessories with that version.
Well the nose and lips look just about perfect and thats usually where others mess up when trying to sculpt Pacino.
The EB WS version looks too impassive. I just purchased BWs version after viewing this thread. +I like to support an new company, a little competition will do wonders to push the envelope of development of these figs.

(P.S. EB will take FORRRRREVVER to release this)