Enterbay - Al Pacino - Scarface

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Wasn't this figure announced like 2 months ago?

Woff, I'm talking about their Prison Break figures which were announced almost exactly one year ago in June. Still no official pics nor specs. They're working at a snail's pace with those and what few other figures they've got in the pipeline, including Scarface.
Who Farted?

Re: Enterbay Scarface

You couldn't even look a few topics down on the first page?
Re: Enterbay Scarface

It's no big deal. Just remember to always wear your seatbelt before making a new thread.
Difficult to make a call on the likeness, but the body seems very heavy set to me - I prefer BW's leaner body. BW's tailoring also appears to hang better out of the box. Could be wrong on both counts, my eye for 1/6 detail isn't too well trained.

Cool accessories in EB's set. Before I picked up BW's version I thought the chair was a complete waste of time, but now if it came down to EB's accessories vs BW's accessories... I'd take the chair.

Looking forward to seeing a detailed pic of the two sculpts, but I can't see myself picking up a complete set. Maybe some parted out accessories if they can be had cheap. Demand for the M16 will run high no doubt.
Damn, now I'm having a dilemma if I'll still get the BW version or just wait for this one to come out.

This 2 will be a seperate figure right?
It will be interesting to compare this and Blitzway upon release of the full spec pics. I always wanted the white suit Scarface so I'd like to see some photos of the figure behind more.
This could end up like the hot toys and enterbay godfather where everybody only wants the hot toys but this time blitzway.
Of course it could also go the other way, Enterbay's will have to be impressive. I'd assume they're not adding a chair though so that's an extra point for blitzway already.
Difficult to make a call on the likeness, but the body seems very heavy set to me - I prefer BW's leaner body. BW's tailoring also appears to hang better out of the box. Could be wrong on both counts, my eye for 1/6 detail isn't too well trained.

Cool accessories in EB's set. Before I picked up BW's version I thought the chair was a complete waste of time, but now if it came down to EB's accessories vs BW's accessories... I'd take the chair.

Looking forward to seeing a detailed pic of the two sculpts, but I can't see myself picking up a complete set. Maybe some parted out accessories if they can be had cheap. Demand for the M16 will run high no doubt.

I might be nuts, but does the hair look rooted? The m16 is really cool, I guess it wasn't included since they went with the white suit. Also I totally agree with you about the chair, i love all of the pics of him slouched down in the chair...we need a desk now. But personally I can't see how much better EB sculpt could be, BW nailed it.
Far from perfect but I like what their trying to do, hope this gets tweaked and I'll pick it up.
