Enterbay - Dennis Rodman

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One simply doesn't limit legends by the numbers.

Muggsy Bogues & Spud Webb themselves are considered legends, even though they probably not even in the top 200.

But Rodman's contribution towards the Championships makes him one.

He's not in the top 50 mainly because of his attitudes, most people can't stand him, only MJ, Pippen & a few knew him & accepted him as he is.

no they're not! I've never heard of anyone refer to those two as legends of any sort. where are you getting that from? I honestly think your definition of legend is more generous then my definition of legend.
Well no point scoring 60 points if all you do is let the opponents score 60 points, while you can just shut down players and win the game with 10 points.

Again defense are usually under-appreciated in most games. He might not be an offensive player but he is pretty much an All-Around Defensive player, and one of the best. If you can't accept one of the best defensive player as legendary, then i guess only Michael Jordan can be considered legendary. Don't tell me you consider Larry Bird a legend?

I honestly don't really get your arguments. how can what I said just limit Jordan to being the only legend? either you don't understand my argument or I yours. we obviously are on two opposite ends of this discussion. to each their own bro. we'll just agree to disagree.
I bet the first Rodman will be black hair,the second version will have the cheetah print.
Nice. Will be available for purchase at Hong Kong Ani-Con. But knowing them, it'll probably be in limited numbers, resorting most to wait for the 2nd batch.

Can't believe i'll have this on hand before the Storm Toys one. Excellent news.
Edit: I found it :lol


Is it odd that I want a high quality 1/6 scale wedding dress to go with a high quality 1/6 scale Dennis Rodman figure?


Yeah, I guess it's odd, haha.

More on topic, I'm sort of in an odd spot, perhaps, with this figure as well as the Enterbay Michael Jordan variants as well as the Storm Toys Dennis Rodman figure.

Unlike others in this thread, I'm not a basketball fan. I don't dislike it, I just am not a follower of the sport and not a person knowledgeable about the NBA. However, players like Jordan and Rodman are known to me simply due to their media presence when they were active in the sport. My cousin, who is as close to me as a brother, was very much into basketball when we were growing up so I watched plenty of games in my time. He was also a big Bulls fan. We also had a mutual friend who was a Bulls fan. So, again, while I'm not a fan, I had a lot of exposure to the sport and especially to the Bulls during the time that Jordan, Rodman, and Pippen were all on the team in the 1990s.

So here's what I'm getting at when I say I'm in an "odd spot"...I'm very much hyped for these NBA 1/6 scale figures and I don't know exactly why. I'm relatively new to the 1/6 scale hobby and my main areas of interest are works of fiction. However, the prospect of having a 1/6 collection of NBA players really appeals to me.

Anyways, I just wanted to chime in on this discussion with a perspective that is not of a diehard NBA and basketball fan. I can't wait for Enterbay to release high quality promo photos of the Rodman figure.
I don't find it odd to want a figure of something, that is based on something that you're not hardcore into. Sometimes it's the art of something, or even the artist, that interests me. I myself have pre ordered a couple of figures kinda recently based on that. One because I thought the figure looked pretty cool, even though I haven't seen the series it's based on (QM - Malcolm Reynolds), the other because a member here, who's work impresses me, is sculpting it (Pangaea - Greek General). Sometimes even the mechanics of how a figure works interests me.

I too want a nice 1/6 wedding dress, but not for Rodman :lol
Nice that the Worm will be coming with the away uniform. I'm hoping we get two head sculpts.
I hope enterbay do like storm toys and give us multiple hair options to play with and not handle these like they did with jordan with minor details and multiple separate releases like finals version and **** like that.
Oh man, can't wait! Rodman has always been one of my favs, but why is he releasing before Pippen?

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