Super Freak
ok.maybe one ole man's opinion then

Enterbay Ip man sculpt is surprisingly good
I feel Donnie Yen is the "it" guy right now for asian martial arts actors. Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, Jet Li, & now Donnie Yen. You didn't enjoy Ip Man? That was a brilliant martial arts movie.Personally I think Donnie Yen's fighting style in his movies is just too old school Shaolin, so I can't see how any one can be impressed by him.
Entertaining fighter. Lacks something to get me to continue being interested in his movies though. Charisma maybe?But the fighting style of Tony Jaa on the other hand is amazing, great fluidity and his acrobatics are outstanding!
Bruce Lee is a legend, & definitely has classic movies, but Jackie Chan has had better choreographed fights in my opinion (one on one, watch Wheels On Meals, multiple opponents, watch Police Story). He had the advantage of honing his craft longer, & coming after Bruce Lee though. Problem with some fights these days (even sometimes from Jackie Chan & Donnie Yen), is it looks too "tip tappy", like the blows have no power behind them, yet opponents go flying anyway. Bruce Lee was brilliant at conveying power, through his facial expression, muscle tensity, & brillaint follow through, like he punched right through his opponent.However, no one to this day can compare to Bruce Lee, it wasn't just that in the movies like ETD that he could take on multiple opponents, it was the way he choreographed the fight scenes, not to mention how unbelievably fast he was when he took on these opponents. Now many Martial Artist stars in movies these days take on multiple opponents but they are not as fast as Bruce was or lack the fluidity he had, so when they go on to take another opponent that they are surrounding by, the fight scene doesn't flow as well, rather it looks like there is a break in between when the star fights the next opponent.
I don't think it is only that, I believe the fact that this is perhaps the most realistic Bruce Lee 1/6th figure ever made that this is blinding people from seeing how bad the likeness is. People see the older EB Arnie figures as toys and because they lack realism this makes them appear too toyish and thus, people can't get past the toyish look to see how great the likeness is
that's what collecting is all about,we enjoy and we move on in most cases so I understand what your saying buddy.
I enjoy watching any well made martial arts movie,from the cinema in 1974 to modern day.i think you know my feelings on bruce,he was and still is the greatest martial artist in my lifetime.regarding choreography bruce v chuck best realistic one on one.and the bob wall fight in ETD,many people don't even see the moves to unblock the defence due to bruce's speed.jackies fights are great too,but too many hits in the fights render them more unrealistic to me.and I agree about tony charisma..anyway sort them laces out before bruce trips over.
So I got my sculpt today. Honestly, it's a nice sculpt in person. This is the best my 'Game Of Death' figure has looked. All the older sculpts, & sculpt mods I've seen, personally doesn't do it for me, the way this sculpt does. Definitely not perfect, & my search for a really satisfying Bruce Lee collectible is still on, but for now, this is nice. Peeps see what they see, & this doesn't seem to be too popular, but I personally see a nice amount of Bruce Lee in there.
Short video of the portrait.
& a couple of amateur pics.
I'm using the 75th sculpt, HT EtD body & hands, BTS battle damaged tracksuit, black socks, & custom shoes (I like them better than the official ones), on a random stand for now. The only Bruce Lee figure I feel is cool enough to keep on my display (I sold some, & packed the HT & EB BTS away) is the EB 1/4 WotD figure. Now I'm happy to display my newest Game Of Death bash. Some battle damage on the sculpt would probably make more sense for my chosen tracksuit, but it still looks okay as is.
Edit: Yeah, I'm not the best at tying 1/6 shoelaces.