FINALLY some full pics! Meh, they ruined it, what on earth is with those eyes! WHY OH WHY! They are so tiny and squinty and sleepy, looks like he just woke up! What's the use of having fancy glass eyes if you can barely see the dang things! All this resculpting time ruined imho! I think he also looks too chubby, like a sad bulldog. They definately have the paint app edge ( i guess, tough call there, the HT one is damn sweet ) and general quality on the upperhand also, the EB always seem to have that over HT with most of their figures, but man, really not seeing Brando in there, the comparison pic clearly shows it, HT nailed the look, i think EB misses the mark. What i believe HT captured better, and they also point it out, is that Marlon wasnt an old man, but was done up like an old man, somehow HT captured it perfectly, a midlife guy, done up as an old man, with the puffed out jaw. The EB just looks plainly like a REAL old man, not a younger man made up, and slightly on the overall flabbier side, not just the jaw. Hmmm kudos for trying i suppose, still a quality figure. If i hadn't bought the HT version and had waited to see this, i still would've gone HT though to be honest, easily