
I'm old but not suffering from dementia yet. It's is okay to discuss topics. That's what an open forum is for, but how many times do you need to repeat yourself?
Like I said, we get it. You prefer the Hot Toys figure. What I'm saying is, now that you've discussed your opinion of the Enterbay figure, go back to your Hot Toys lickers thread, and continue on your merry way. You have no interest in the Enterbay figure. You wont be purchasing the Enterbay figure, you probably don't own an Enterbay figure and we take your opinion for what it's worth when talking of an Enterbay figure. Lacking.
Well I just received my Hot Toys Don, and I am in total agreement with Raymond Ferraro. Those that have pre-ordered the Enterbay figure, and know what an Enterbay figure is like, ought not to worry. I think we will be fully rewarded. The reports you've read about the Hot Toys figure are overblown. I have every confidence that Enterbay will outshine the Hot Toys figure in more aspects than just the paint. The Hot Toys Don is reminiscent of my Hot Toys Jack Sparrow in that the skin tone is too dark. Rather than post more of my opinions, I have just put my newly acquired Don back in the box and await the Enterbay figure so I can compare it one on one.
Some believe that Enterbay have waited until Hot Toys released theirs so they can copy and steal, or rather scramble and hopefully better the Hot Toys figure. I believe the delay is due to having to develop a new base figure, rather than dress the Don in a body suit to achieve a desired result. That would have to take time, most collectors would agree I'm sure.
Some say Enterbay missed the boat because Hot Toys released theirs first. That could be construed as them having rushed theirs out to avoid the backlash, because I believe Enterbay will rise to the occasion. I consider it lucky that Hot Toys were able to get theirs out first. I think the only ones to miss the boat will be the collectors who jumped the gun to purchase the Hot Toys figure. I'm in that boat. I blew my wad and bought the Hot Toys figure. I'm willing to blow my wad now and predict Enterbays will be the better figure to own. Yes, I am being smug and loud because I own numerous figures from both companies and that alone has turned me into an Enterbay fanboy.
Bring it on Enterbay. Do me. I may have to eat my words but I know what Enterbay is capable of, so I'm bellowing it out now in anticipation. Come on.