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Wow, so glad I got this. I think we are all getting spoiled by enterbay and hot toys. even when something is so close to perfect we complain. It looks great guys.
Wow that is amazing!
HT has better likeness while EB Paintjob is much better.
Wow, so glad I got this. I think we are all getting spoiled by enterbay and hot toys. even when something is so close to perfect we complain. It looks great guys.

I agree 100%. To nitpick and call it "too fat" is ridiculous. Like it's so fat that the whole likeness is off and way inferior than HT. Come on guys.

I think main differences are in the demeanor of the figures. The eyes on the EB have a more serious look which will be interesting to see how that plays with the glass eyes. The HT may have the edge in the overall standard look/demeanor/likeness that is less intense for most people liking. I say this though: the EB paint job gives it an element of realism that is at least on par with HT if not better.

We will have to wait and see it in person.
I will say this (I swear 100% unbiased) go watch Godfather because that looks close to nothing like Vito Corleone. The paint is the only positive. The suit is all bunched up and his collar looks like something that was released on a Sideshow James Bond figure.

This is my honest opinion, I have no interest in getting this one. Just do yourselves a favor and watch the movie at least, even if for the first time :D

Anyone that is a true Godfather fan would buy the HT's version. If you're an "Enterbay" fan at least admit that is the only reason you'd buy this.


something still looks off .it might be that his eyes look puffy , like he was in a boxing match . HT's still the winner
The paint on Enterbay's looks amazing. . . but it doesn't do you any good when the sculpt isn't right.
the eye sockets themselves look too... small? (and he looks like he's been punched in the face or soemthing... quite 'swollen' perhaps.

Enterbay got the size of the flower right though lol.

Still.. this is just comparing to the HT version... AND with limited photos.

At any other time in history this figure would have been unimaginably good.
Definitely a nice looking figure and would have been the best Vito going if HT hadn't of made theirs.

EB had better load it up with accessories.
I agree 100%. To nitpick and call it "too fat" is ridiculous. Like it's so fat that the whole likeness is off and way inferior than HT. Come on guys.

I think main differences are in the demeanor of the figures. The eyes on the EB have a more serious look which will be interesting to see how that plays with the glass eyes. The HT may have the edge in the overall standard look/demeanor/likeness that is less intense for most people liking. I say this though: the EB paint job gives it an element of realism that is at least on par with HT if not better.

We will have to wait and see it in person.
I agree. Saying Enterbay's is too fat is like saying Hot Toys is too skinny. It might be more accurate to say the Hot Toys face is perhaps a little taller, the length giving him a closer resemblance, if that is your opinion, but pictures can lie on many levels due to lens distortion and lighting.

I'm liking the eyes on the Enterbay one more because it looks relaxed and non plussed. The Hot Toys expression looks goofy in many photo's, like someone just hit him on the head or he touched cloth, like he's startled. It only suits a limited number of display options. Maybe it's because the Hot Toys version has more of a sneer happening. Even the wrinkles on the forehead of Hot Toys is too pronounced. The shoulders on the coat looks a better fit on the Enterbay figure as well, not oversized at all.

I will say this (I swear 100% unbiased) go watch Godfather because that looks close to nothing like Vito Corleone. The paint is the only positive. The suit is all bunched up and his collar looks like something that was released on a Sideshow James Bond figure.

This is my honest opinion, I have no interest in getting this one. Just do yourselves a favor and watch the movie at least, even if for the first time :D

Anyone that is a true Godfather fan would buy the HT's version. If you're an "Enterbay" fan at least admit that is the only reason you'd buy this.
To say Enterbay's Godfather looks close to nothing like Vito is an absolute joke. Who does it look like? Ask anyone. You'll get the same answer from any really unbiased person if they looked at either version of them.

Watching the movie isn't going to make a difference either. The figure is static, like a still photo, not a moving picture. That's a ridiculous argument. You've been at Enterbay's version from the start. You're unbiased stance is only realised by yourself. I think you've said it enough to convince yourself. In any case, you've bought the Hot Toys one, so be happy and sing it's praises in the Hot Toys thread. No need or reason to come in here and caste dispersions, calling people out as being true Godfather fans only if they purchased the Hot Toys figure.

Until I have both in hand I wont know anything for certain. As it stands I can only make sweeping assumptions like anyone else, swayed by photographic manipulations. I'll admit that, and that is all, even though I am an Enterbay fan. Look at most photo's and they're shrouded in darkness, obviously to add atmosphere, but it makes it near impossible to make accurate judgements.
Holy ^^^^ its just a toy and for the record dork EB fans have trolled the crap out of the HT's thread so, well too bad I guess.

I stated my honest opinion and you basically called me a liar, get over yourself. Again its just a damn toy. :rolleyes: