Anyone seen any new info on these bad boys?
I'm all about competition forcing HT to step up its game. . .but, in fairness, HT has had a lot more opportunity to fail. They've probably released 5 times as many products as Enterbay has, so statistically, you would expect more HT snafus. Further, Enterbay hasn't proven itself to be flawless. Their Jack Bauer figures were notorious for having fragile joints, and apparently their recent Bruce Lee was a disaster. I hope neither company has these glaring problems as time moves forward.When Hot toys continue to disappoint me with every releases
(DX 02 oil fail, comedian fail, Indy fail & now keaton fail), I really think that Enterbay will rise this year!
That'd make a badass Robert Neville ...
I couldn't care less about MiB ... but the possibilities for Neville (smith) and Sam Gerard (Jones) from these two sculpts is compelling.
This is what competition should stir, HT has raised bars in 1/6 and EB is clearly pushing to raise them even higher and I think they are.