I wonder if the latest batch of MIB figures is QC free.
considering to pick it up....
Whats the consensus on the Enterbay MIB figs? Crap? or Good?
The fact that hardly anyone ever posts in this thread ought to tell you enough. Only huge MIB fans would want to run the QC gauntlet with these pieces of crap. Nice head sculpts though.
Whats the consensus on the Enterbay MIB figs? Crap? or Good?
Finally found the purpose of the stickers!
I think this speaks for itself.
I think these are fantastic.
Actually if you get one that doesn't have any problems they really are a nice set for the price. The head sculpts are top notch. You can't buy 2 figures with head sculpt like these for $376 shipped anymore.
Yeah, you can get some for only $300 or lessHT Luke FTW
Yeah, you can get some for only $300 or lessHT Luke FTW