If these come with awesome chromy guns and accessories & Frank The Pug, i don't think i'll be able to resist

And (soon to be) shiny gun

If these come with awesome chromy guns and accessories & Frank The Pug, i don't think i'll be able to resist
^ that was the frank i was referring too, hope he comes with one of them
I want to see the final product and preorder so bad.
If there's an R then that's where the boxes would bother me. You wouldn't mind if you got J instead of K as you'd probably get either one of the other figure anyway. However, if you order J or K and get R, that would be another matter!
EB should think more about revising the packaging and make it clearer who is in the box. I know it might be clear to us, but, I already know from experience that the guys in dispatch aren't as sharp as we are!
I have to say, I am not a big MIB fan but those sculpts are utter perfection, you can't get any better. Pure Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith there
Some news today by Bill
So expected/planned release time is June...
Gonna say something?
Mm, what headsculpts? Where?