When i was a little kid I saw Celtics vs. Jordan every year starting Jordan's rookie year up to about 93'. My uncle had Celts season tix and gave me the Bulls game every year because he knew I loved Jordan. Saw many Bird vs. Jordan games and Jordan scored over 40+ a few times. Bird was injured for a few of the games unfortunately. But if i remember the Celts won most of the games.
Seeing Jordan play in person was one of the best experiences I ever had seeing a professional sports game. He was truly amazing to watch. There was just an awe about him and even the crowd in Boston appreciated everything he did. They gave him standing ovations too I remember. After the game they would announce the top point scores of the game on the PA system, and when they announced Jordan over 40, the crowd would cheer. And this is in Boston.
I only wish i was alive during the Bill Russell / Bob Cousy years. Would have loved to have seen them play. My dad saw them though play a ton.
So yah, if i can get a EB Jordan, I definitely want one
All I have of figures of him are his first Startling Lineups. LoL.
My best Jordan collectible i have is his 86 Rookie Fleer Basketball Card. Its pretty much my prized collectible. I got the entire set of 86 Fleer when they came out back in 86 when I was a little kid, my dad got it for me. I still have it and never would get rid of it