someone already made the hans outfit, claws etc available as a pack. $68
however i dont think the claws are accurate
however i dont think the claws are accurate
yea but on the listing on ebay u see the size of them claws- they look extra long
surely they wont that long from wot i recall...
D!ck.Po from Toysdaily's pics of Han suit and RM5 bash. Goofball used the wrong Bruce Lee. Should've used DX04.
Great pics.
And Enterbay have responded with my tracking number and a sorry for not letting me know that it shipped over a week ago. Sweet !
Soon I'll have the figure and the outfit pack!
Enterbay body has arrived. Great sculpt.
Now just waiting on the Han set from ebay.
someone already made the hans outfit, claws etc available as a pack. $68
however i dont think the claws are accurate
So this set arrived.
The clothes look nice and are serviceable. They fit well enough that nothing really looks out of place....fairly simple so they are hard to get wrong I guess.
The black gloved hand sculpts are actually nicer than I was expecting. I think they look good. The 2 claws are just obviously cheap plastic moulds painted silver but they do the job.
However the peg holes on the hands are all far too big for the Enterbay hands. They'll need to be modified to fit. And then the shoes are too small for the Enterbay feet. After heating them with a hairdryer I can JUST get them on but its not a great fit.
A little annoyed at all this as the seller pretty clearly states 'a great fit for the Enterbay RM-5 body!' in the, not really....
Anyone have receive the 2nd batch of RM 5 from Enterbay? Mine was delay and I am still waiting for it.