One man doing all the sculpting, wow, reminds me of the old HT days when it was basically Yulli doing it all. Sadly, the work put into the bodies even means more time taken by the sculptor.
One man doing all the sculpting, wow, reminds me of the old HT days when it was basically Yulli doing it all. Sadly, the work put into the bodies even means more time taken by the sculptor.
How big are the NECA toys? I've seen a 12" T2 T800 at a local store. Will the Rocky based NECA figures be that big too?
Yup,it's obvious why EB are slow with things,YJ Park is one of the best sculptors out there and should join HT.HT get things done and always have a ton of licenses to work on.
Based on the EB T-800, I say he stays with EB, and EB just works towards getting to a point and level where they can bring more sculptors in and YJ becomes like the head/supervisor like Yulli is. Yulli still does work for HT but she also supervises the others and I think it's working out pretty well. EB needs to increase manpower.
Hot Toys already made a Rocky III.
I hope they make a Rocky Balboa from Rocky III, with the Championship Belt. Now that would be AWESOME!!!
"Oh God! Not Rocky from the first(and inarguably) best Rocky movie", he said sarcastically.