1 would make sense from an accessory stand point, they could do training, street and fighting gear all in 1.
I hope it's a part 1 or 2
I'm with you on this, know more Rocky III and Rocky IV flag trunks, its been done to death already, lets get figs from the iconic original and it's classic sequel.
I'm with you on this, know more Rocky III and Rocky IV flag trunks, its been done to death already, lets get figs from the iconic original and it's classic sequel.
Done to death by who? Hot Toys Rocky III and IV figures were average at best, and HCG's statues are straight up garbage. A Rocky III figure with the title belt would be much more visually interesting imo.
I would like to see HT do Rocky Balboa (6) figure. Being older there is much more information (detail) on his face.
They essentially had it almos, you could use the Barney Ross body and the Barney head minus goatee is basically fight Rocky.
I'd love this to have nothing to do with boxing and be the 'street clothes' Rock with black hat, jacket and gloves.
That would sort of defeat the purposeIf they included his street clothes with his boxing gear, then that would be a deal!
ha ha
I mean if it was an 'either/or' choice