ESB Vader

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Super Freak
Aug 17, 2009
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Montréal Canada
Am i the only one who wish to see an ESB 12inch Vader if they do it need to be more movie accurate than the new hope version thats why im waiting for an ESB Version would love to see a better helmet sculpt and better body an armor version..Am i the only one who was disapointed by the New Hope Version??By the way sorry about my bad english..And if there was already a topic about this sorry once again:emperor
Now that the Emperor and his throne is on the way. I would prefer the ROTJ Vader to come first.:emperor
There were quite a few folks disappointed with the helmet and the height of the ANH Vader...many pics of mods to the helmet around and even a few pics where folks modified the height.

On the other hand, I would say most people were satisfied with how it turned out even though it was clearly a slight departure from the prototype...atleast the positioning of the helmet was different :huh
Now that the Emperor and his throne is on the way. I would prefer the ROTJ Vader to come first.:emperor

ESB Vader and polystone Meditation Chamber environment FTW! :vader

Vader in his Meditation Chamber would probably take up half the dining table top. I am game for that. If Sideshow make one I will buy it.:lol
I've always wanted a 1:6 meditation chamber, but at that size, and in polystone, I know for a fact I would have to pass.

An operating table from ROTS, however, would still be viable, so long as it came with the three droids.
Hmm... with the Emperor and throne coming today I wouldn't put it past SS to try the meditation chamber. Certainly be something never done before in 1/6 right?? Does the GG statue count??