IIRC, the figures were solicited for pre-order with NRDs through Executive Replicas and Go Hero.
If I'm not mistaken, one of the suits was an exclusive through Executive Replicas.
My guess is that Executive Replicas don't have enough funding to warrant a production run of the suits even with supposed pre-orders/NRDs that they and Go Hero may have collected (if any).
The high price point likely turned most collectors off.
As for the official licensing aspect with them using 2001, etc. I don't know. The brand/IP/etc. is owned by MGM and they have an official licensing department that handles such things.
I have doubts about the authencity of the licensing if any.
I know there are some collectors who truly want to see the sets produced and offered, but my take it is simply wait. If it's produced and sold and it's worthwhile, then great.
If not, then OH, WELL.
If I'm not mistaken, one of the suits was an exclusive through Executive Replicas.
My guess is that Executive Replicas don't have enough funding to warrant a production run of the suits even with supposed pre-orders/NRDs that they and Go Hero may have collected (if any).
The high price point likely turned most collectors off.
As for the official licensing aspect with them using 2001, etc. I don't know. The brand/IP/etc. is owned by MGM and they have an official licensing department that handles such things.
I have doubts about the authencity of the licensing if any.
I know there are some collectors who truly want to see the sets produced and offered, but my take it is simply wait. If it's produced and sold and it's worthwhile, then great.
If not, then OH, WELL.