Couple of great "out of left field" suggestions/choices here. Clarence Williams III was just outstanding amazing as Omet'iklan, and the Jem'Hadar deserve some representation, and Benny Russell (I think you mean) was some of Avery Brooks's very best acting in one of the show's very best episodes-his second appearance in "Shadows and Symbols" was good, too, but nothing compared to "Far Beyond the Stars."...
Benny Sisko
There’s too many for that sixth slot. But my interest in spending $200 on any of them also radically drops after that top 5.
I also really like the suggestion of the Intendant, but would assume she gets released under the Mirror Universe banner and not DS9. Nothing about the Mirror Spock and Sulu release suggests the line is just for TOS. I assume it is for key Mirror characters from all Trek.
What I really want is a length of Quark’s bar with some stools, Morn. Maybe Leeta serving a dabo table, and a bunch of aliens and starfleet mingling and drinking. One of the key visual Trek settings that isn’t a bridge/engineering/med bay.
Thanks! I literally just face palmed in disbelief that I listed him as Benny “Sisko” and didn’t even catch it for two days until you just pointed it out to me!!!!! Must correct now!Couple of great "out of left field" suggestions/choices here. Clarence Williams III was just outstanding amazing as Omet'iklan, and the Jem'Hadar deserve some representation, and Benny Russell (I think you mean) was some of Avery Brooks's very best acting in one of the show's very best episodes-his second appearance in "Shadows and Symbols" was good, too, but nothing compared to "Far Beyond the Stars."
Morn isn’t out of left field at all…he was part of the first wave released by Playmates…I would say that makes him a conventional choice.Dukat
Jem'hadar (however, Commander Goran'Agar [Hippocratic Oath) had a possible genetic mutation and didn't use the Ketracel feed like other Jem'hadar)
Nog/Jake (honestly its a tie for both)
Tora Ziyal (it could happen)
Edit: Out of left field - Morn (aka tribute to Norm from Cheers) who's always around Quark's bar.![]()