EXO-6 Star Trek “Enterprise” Figures

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As a man of honor, I grant you last words. In this case, a last post, before final judgement is cast and I must rain down the inevitable upon you. Make it count…

liam neeson GIF by Star Wars


Creepy, No. Keeping things light and funny, that’s QGF.

PS - Maybe T’Pol will come with a mini d-con gel container. :lol
View attachment 706268

Creepy, No. Keeping things light and funny, that’s QGF.

PS - Maybe T’Pol will come with a mini d-con gel container. :lol

I have some folks blocked on here because their trolling, although subtle, was also easy to spot. I haven't missed them :)

On the other hand, there are dozens of people here that are regular posters, are encouraging, and make me happy to be a Freaks supporter :hi5:

Dude like people LIKE that stuff? That kind of garbage is part of what ruined Enterprise.
I'd call that a bit reductive, but you're not off-base when lack of interest helped put the show on the chopping block regardless. It's silly as all hell and it wasn't missed when they finally started skipping decon altogether as the series progressed. Personally I have a high tolerance for cheesecake (I would even go so far as to call it appropriate for the Mirror episodes), but it sucks seeing an entire Trek series defined by it. Especially when I feel so much potential was lost in the cancellation.

Honestly, I'm probably a bigger fan of that potential than I am of what actually got produced lol. The show should've focused the origins of the Federation (and the kinds of revelatory stories about classic aliens like we got for the Orions and Klingons) from the start. Most of their strongest episodes fed into that. Instead we got 2 seasons of Voyager: Alpha Quadrant, followed by 1 season of Star Trek: 24 before they got down to business.

Shran joining the main cast/bridge crew in season 5, and paving the way for the eventual amalgamation of the Andorian Imperial Guard into Starfleet? What a payoff for episodes like The Andorian Incident and Shadows of P'Jem. The ongoing character dynamics of that alone make my ENT-enjoying mind spin. Don't even get me started on the NX-01 refit with the secondary hull. We were robbed, violently 😤
Even though I liked every season, Season 4 was like TNG Season 3 - the game changer season that kicked everything in high gear.

I heard that originally Berman and Braga wanted Season 1 to take place on Earth building up to the launch of the NX-01 but they were overruled by the network.

Personally I loved the pilot that we got but that could’ve been intriguing to see.
Problem for me was that by the time they got to the good storytelling in S4, the show had already lost all credibility and I had a hard time even buying the premise anymore.
Am I the only one who found Archer to be unappealing?
They tended to write him into situations that just revealed his worst qualities. Also the acting sometimes fell flat for me, especially when he was angry and acted "harder" and I think Scott Bakula's main charm is in his CHARM but he acted a lot of that away sometimes. He's an easy going nice guy but I never really bought the more "military" side of his character in Enterprise.
Like Season 1 Archer was fine. Then he got angry and it seemed off.

If I look back he's the worst Captain by far.

Also I wanted to see more stories about... you know the formation of the Federation, and not include time travel. I think I was sick of time travel by then. Even the later season didn't work for me.

I loved the hammy Mirror Universe episode though. Even though they make zero sense and are a bit ridiculous it's good fun.
The mirror episode was fun for the TOS of it all, but I'm still not sure why were were supposed to care about anything these mirror characters were doing, or about all the betrayals and jockeying for power. Which still made the whole thing feel a bit flat to me.
Am I the only one who found Archer to be unappealing?
They tended to write him into situations that just revealed his worst qualities. Also the acting sometimes fell flat for me, especially when he was angry and acted "harder" and I think Scott Bakula's main charm is in his CHARM but he acted a lot of that away sometimes. He's an easy going nice guy but I never really bought the more "military" side of his character in Enterprise.
Like Season 1 Archer was fine. Then he got angry and it seemed off.

If I look back he's the worst Captain by far.

Also I wanted to see more stories about... you know the formation of the Federation, and not include time travel. I think I was sick of time travel by then. Even the later season didn't work for me.

I loved the hammy Mirror Universe episode though. Even though they make zero sense and are a bit ridiculous it's good fun.

In my head canon (though I hate that term), Archer was a nepo baby who was still legitimately doing his best. He maybe wasn't the best choice, but he gave it his all.
Thinking of it like that added some nuance to the character. If he isn't supposed to be the best of the best, if he's a guy who's really just in over his head, then it's a lot less frustrating when he does things you can't imagine any of the other captains doing.
In my head canon (though I hate that term), Archer was a nepo baby who was still legitimately doing his best. He maybe wasn't the best choice, but he gave it his all.
Thinking of it like that added some nuance to the character. If he isn't supposed to be the best of the best, if he's a guy who's really just in over his head, then it's a lot less frustrating when he does things you can't imagine any of the other captains doing.
That is a point that does really help with a lot of it, and does kind of reinforce Enterprise's aspect of being 'the first'. Not muh 'BEST CHOICE' for the real but someone who got in through a very human kind of obliteration of competence or whatever fruity way there is of saying it. This is to say, once again, THEY'RE GOING TO STUMBLE! THEY'RE NOT LIKE GAZELLES!
It was eluded to in First Flight that ultimately Archer was the best choice for the NX-01 over A.G. Robinson.

There’s a case to be made that Archer had the greatest growth of all the Captains, his transformation from the first season through to the events of season 3 was believable and complex - certain experiences change people and they portrayed that on screen well and it had a lasting impact. There was no reset hit for the next episode and as seen in the rock climbing scene in Home with Erika Hernandez, he had lost himself at the beginning of season 4, very much like Picard in Family.

Aside from perhaps Picard with the whole Borg experience, Archer faced some real adversity and had to make some hard principle-breaking decisions with literally the weight of the world on his shoulders with no backup. Remember when they stole a warp coil from an innocent alien ship essentially stranding them from home for 2+ years or when he torpedoed a Xindi space station (killing 4-5 Xindi) to prevent them from transmitting their location? We never really saw that before in the scope of the stakes being so high and crossing ethical lines. In a Pale Moonlight covered similar ground but Archer was on his own.

Most of the other Captains didn't have to contend with lasting challenges individually, especially in Voyager. Janeway was arrogant to Ransom’s situation in Equinox, the situation wasn’t as black and white as she viewed it. Voyager was written with an abundance of convenience that it wasn’t believable compared to Enterprise.

Bakula nailed role in my book as did the rest of the cast.