I am positive he will. But he is putting some “space” between the QMx releases and his. I believe that is partly why we got these FC versions so early.
2 outfits with options to choose Set Accurate or Simulated Screen color.
TNG Picard is a “stylized” Picard. Likeness is shooting for prior to Locutus, the time when Picard was still the poster boy for Starfleet when he was at the top of Starfleet or the universe (he was practically raped by the Borg). But the leisure outfit was introduced after Locutus incident by the request by Mr Stewart. Picard wanted his individuality back because he lost it to the borg and it was one year after the Best of Both Worlds.
That's why I said Stylized. Prior Locutus is what we are shooting for but throw in the Leisure Jacket to make him more distinguishable and unique enough to stand on his own. FC Picard did everything that he told people not to do. The dark side of Picard emerged because of his terrible experience as Locutus (he remembered every kill that he did at Wolf 359)
Poster Boy TNG Picard will give FC Picard another level of appreciation. FC Picard has nothing to compare (except in craftsmanship with QMx version). But when Poster Boy confidence expression is availablrle, FC Picard will show his uniqueness even more because of the drastic differences (no tall to compare, there will be no short people)
With TNG Poster Boy Picard, adding a Redemption Picard figure in to the mix, then a complete story of Captain Picard can be seen from the figures.
Of course, we will need one more Picard in order to truely tell the entire story of Picard. Not mentioning the name, but we all know this is a villain that every TNG 1/6 collector dreamed of.
I sew the proto the other day. Amazingly beautiful (I am subjective, so don't listen to me but judge for yourself). Due to my production speed, we will again move really fast. TNG fans missing this figure will be worst experience and will be a true regretful experience. Don't let this happen if you are a TNG fan.