I am about 100% on board with you when it comes to the new Trek. Kurtzman isn't perfect, but then neither was Berman. People bitched a LOT about Voyager and Enterprise when they were airing. Hell, I had a friend who stopped watching Enterprise as soon as he heard to theme song.
And now people are absolutely thrilled every time there's a reference to either show. Janeway being on Prodigy was one of its biggest selling points. And people on here are constantly waiting with bated breath on when we'll get more ENT and VOY figs.
I'm just saying, in twenty years people's views on Picard and Discovery might be very, very different.
I mean, hell, even the prequel trilogies are being looked back on fondly these days.
There’ve been questionable decisions made by people who’ve worked on Star Trek in the past, certainly, and I think we are objectively aware of the things that have gone awry in the past.
That said, this is kind of uncharted territory compared to previous showrunners. Kurtzman and his crew have fundamentally flawed ideas about what Star Trek means based on their interviews.
The blueprint was all there in his previous work on Into Darkness, The Amazing Spider-Man 2, and Transformers (2007). Take superficial elements of an established property, inject awful edginess, use misery for drama, and wreck established lore/history just for the sake of subverting expectations.
The Prequel Trilogy is now looked upon more favorably now for a number of reasons. The Sequel Trilogy’s failures makes the PT look better by comparison for some. Time and nostalgia have been kinder to it; many of its flaws becoming more charming over time. They’re still flaws, but there’s sparks of Lucas’s vision there. And there are some genuinely good moments throughout, at least.
The PT also established a good setting within the universe with a lot of potential for storytelling, which others have built upon like how The Clone Wars added a lot of depth to the characters and time period. Ultimately, the worst the PT did was not living up to expectations and having some bad dialogue and writing. The PT didn’t destroy or take anything away from the universe like the ST did.
Voyager and Enterprise are in a very similar position. They fell short of expectations for a lot of folks. I was okay with both when they came out, though some parts of both shows weren’t strong. Even if you don’t like them, VOY and ENT are both harmless at the end of the day and added to the universe without really taking anything away.
Picard and Discovery are different. They came in and just wrecked the place, killing off characters and destroying established norms without care. They tore down the entire United Federation of Planets in the future because some alien got scared and all the ships blew up. For what? That’s the same as JJ destroying the New Republic in the ST because he wanted to blow up a planet (which was almost Coruscant).
The PT, VOY, and ENT never did anything like that.
So I don’t think PIC and DIS will be looked upon favorably down the road… Unless something worse comes along.