EXO-6 Star Trek "General Discussion" 1/6 Line

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Aren’t you and another guy here buying almost 99% of every release from EXO ?😆

I'm getting everything. Have everything so far, even double dipped on a couple for display purposes.

I've also gutted my collection for the room though. I'm down to just Trek, Kaustic Plastic's Universal Monsters for active lines. I have a small Spidey display, and a Indiana Jones display, but those are done no new figures or props being added.

I am however starting to get into props. Picked up some Factory Entertainment Trek props, and some of the Star Trek Wines replica bottles. I might end up having to drop another one of the lines as more Trek stuff comes out.
I'm getting everything. Have everything so far, even double dipped on a couple for display purposes.

I've also gutted my collection for the room though. I'm down to just Trek, Kaustic Plastic's Universal Monsters for active lines. I have a small Spidey display, and a Indiana Jones display, but those are done no new figures or props being added.

I am however starting to get into props. Picked up some Factory Entertainment Trek props, and some of the Star Trek Wines replica bottles. I might end up having to drop another one of the lines as more Trek stuff comes out.
That’s great brother! As long as you have the room and not let the toys consume you which can happen over time.
That’s great brother! As long as you have the room and not let the toys consume you which can happen over time.

I've constantly bought stuff kept it for a while then sold it when a new shiny catches my eye. I don't let things sit unless it something seasonal like Halloween decorations.
Aren’t you and another guy here buying almost 99% of every release from EXO ?😆

I'm one of those.
I had Ro on pre-order but canceled because I have to make some allowances.
I've pretty much stopped all other collections. And soon I will have an entire wall of Moducase displays to put them in, whenever they decide to ship it. I'm hoping it will be here by Christmas.
I just got Mantis delivered, and she's probably gonna be the last MCU figure I get. Likewise whenever they ship Han Solo.
I dont know how long the Exo train is going to run, but I'm on it the whole way.
I'm one of those.
I had Ro on pre-order but canceled because I have to make some allowances.
I've pretty much stopped all other collections. And soon I will have an entire wall of Moducase displays to put them in, whenever they decide to ship it. I'm hoping it will be here by Christmas.
I just got Mantis delivered, and she's probably gonna be the last MCU figure I get. Likewise whenever they ship Han Solo.
I dont know how long the Exo train is going to run, but I'm on it the whole way.
Yeah, for better or for worse, I'm pretty much in the same place as you.

Star Trek was my first Sci-Fi love as I'm sure it was for most of us. For me it was syndicated reruns of TOS that I watched every day after school like a religion!

So, when the collection started, it was all about those AMT Trek model kits that I built with my Day (which is to say I watched him build them!).

And my first foray into figures were the Mego Trek dollies that were SO awesome to have at the time. Then one Christmas, I got the TOS bridge playset with "working" transporter, and I was in Heaven! Still have it to this day along with all the figures!

Then Star Wars come along, and I set off on a new course, but never forgetting my Trek roots.

So, when the high-end figure collection started, it was ALL Star Wars for me. Sideshow Old Ben, Luke and Han were my first and DX06 Luke was my first Hot Toys piece.

It took my quite a while to bend my knee and bring home an MCU figure from Hot Toys, but those first few diecast Iron Men got the job done! And then it was light out. Didn't get absolutely everything HT put out by a long shot, but it sure felt that way! Not to mention several Premium Format Figures (statues) to round it all out!

All this to say that I think my Star Wars and Marvel/DC collections are pretty much complete now aside from a few Ahsoka figures that have yet to drop and when my Mantis figure comes in. May not be closing the door completely, but I believe my days of getting 10 or so SW/MCU/DC figures a year are well behind me.

Which leaves EXO Trek!

I won't quit until I have the following from each line (assuming they are made) and not including ones I already have on preorder:

Jadzia, O'Brien, Worf, Garack, Gul Dukat

Jadzia, Riker, Troi

Jadzia, Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Uhura, Chekov, Sulu, A Klingon or two if done well
*(Assuming the EXO entries are obvious upgrades from QMX)

Jadzia, Lorca, Tilly, Stamets, Culber, Detmer, Admiral Cornwell, Ash Tyler

Una, Chapel, Captain Batel, M'Benga, Hot Alien Girl who took over the ship for an hour or so...

Jadzia, Saavik**, Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Scotty, (Possibly Uhura, Sulu Chekov), Khan

And once these are in-hand, barring an unexpected one-off here and there (and of course the COMPLETE InArt LOTR collection including Jadzia), I think I'll call it a collection at that point and sell the camera!


**Yeah, I added Saavik even though I already have her on preorder, but she's Saavik, so she got added - and I like seeing her next to Jadzia...
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Yeah, for better or for worse, I'm pretty much in the same place as you.

Star Trek was my first Sci-Fi love as I'm sure it was for most of us. For me it was syndicated reruns of TOS that I watched every day after school like a religion!

So, when the collection started, it was all about those AMT Trek model kits that I built with my Day (which is to say I watched him build them!).

And my first foray into figures were the Mego Trek dollies that were SO awesome to have at the time. Then one Christmas, I got the TOS bridge playset with "working" transporter, and I was in Heaven! Still have it to this day along with all the figures!

Then Star Wars come along, and I set off on a new course, but never forgetting my Trek roots.

So, when the high-end figure collection started, it was ALL Star Wars for me. Sideshow Old Ben, Luke and Han were my first and DX06 Luke was my first Hot Toys piece.

It took my quite a while to bend my knee and bring home an MCU figure from Hot Toys, but those first few diecast Iron Men got the job done! And then it was light out. Didn't get absolutely everything HT put out by a long shot, but it sure felt that way! Not to mention several Premium Format Figures (statues) to round it all out!

All this to say that I think my Star Wars and Marvel/DC collections are pretty much complete now aside from a few Ahsoka figures that have yet to drop and when my Mantis figure comes in. May not be closing the door completely, but I believe my days of getting 10 or so SW/MCU/DC figures a year are well behind me.

Which leaves EXO Trek!

I won't quit until I have the following from each line (assuming they are made) and not including ones I already have on preorder:

Jadzia, O'Brien, Worf, Garack, Gul Dukat

Jadzia, Riker, Troi

Jadzia, Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Uhura, Chekov, Sulu, A Klingon or two if done well
*(Assuming the EXO entries are obvious upgrades from QMX)

Jadzia, Lorca, Tilly, Stamets, Culber, Detmer, Admiral Cornwell, Ash Tyler

Jadzia, Saavik**, Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Scotty, (Possibly Uhura, Sulu Chekov), Khan

And once these are in-hand, barring an unexpected one-off here and there (and of course the COMPLETE InArt LOTR collection including Jadzia), I think I'll call it a collection at that point and sell the camera!


**Yeah, I added Saavik even though I already have her on preorder, but she's Saavik, so she got added - and I like seeing her next to Jadzia...
So at least five Jadzias :love:. I truly hope that one day you invite us to visit your warehouse, so we can admire your collection!!!!
And the birthing pool, presumably...?
star wars qui gon jin GIF
Yeah, for better or for worse, I'm pretty much in the same place as you.

Star Trek was my first Sci-Fi love as I'm sure it was for most of us. For me it was syndicated reruns of TOS that I watched every day after school like a religion!

So, when the collection started, it was all about those AMT Trek model kits that I built with my Day (which is to say I watched him build them!).

And my first foray into figures were the Mego Trek dollies that were SO awesome to have at the time. Then one Christmas, I got the TOS bridge playset with "working" transporter, and I was in Heaven! Still have it to this day along with all the figures!

Then Star Wars come along, and I set off on a new course, but never forgetting my Trek roots.

So, when the high-end figure collection started, it was ALL Star Wars for me. Sideshow Old Ben, Luke and Han were my first and DX06 Luke was my first Hot Toys piece.

It took my quite a while to bend my knee and bring home an MCU figure from Hot Toys, but those first few diecast Iron Men got the job done! And then it was light out. Didn't get absolutely everything HT put out by a long shot, but it sure felt that way! Not to mention several Premium Format Figures (statues) to round it all out!

All this to say that I think my Star Wars and Marvel/DC collections are pretty much complete now aside from a few Ahsoka figures that have yet to drop and when my Mantis figure comes in. May not be closing the door completely, but I believe my days of getting 10 or so SW/MCU/DC figures a year are well behind me.

Which leaves EXO Trek!

I won't quit until I have the following from each line (assuming they are made) and not including ones I already have on preorder:

Jadzia, O'Brien, Worf, Garack, Gul Dukat

Jadzia, Riker, Troi

Jadzia, Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Uhura, Chekov, Sulu, A Klingon or two if done well
*(Assuming the EXO entries are obvious upgrades from QMX)

Jadzia, Lorca, Tilly, Stamets, Culber, Detmer, Admiral Cornwell, Ash Tyler

Una, Chapel, Captain Batel, M'Benga, Hot Alien Girl who took over the ship for an hour or so...

Jadzia, Saavik**, Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Scotty, (Possibly Uhura, Sulu Chekov), Khan

And once these are in-hand, barring an unexpected one-off here and there (and of course the COMPLETE InArt LOTR collection including Jadzia), I think I'll call it a collection at that point and sell the camera!


**Yeah, I added Saavik even though I already have her on preorder, but she's Saavik, so she got added - and I like seeing her next to Jadzia...
Qui, wow you are most definitely a Hard core Trekkie ! Here’s hoping your archenemy ( hint: He doesn’t like your pictures) see how much business you bring him and he take your feedback to improve the line. There are some knockout winners and there are some sadly that is just not up to par with likeness and paint 😃

If anyone should be welcome to comment, it would be you as you are really heavily invested in the entire line!
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I've constantly bought stuff kept it for a while then sold it when a new shiny catches my eye. I don't let things sit unless it something seasonal like Halloween decorations.
Yea one of my buddies let the hobby consume him buying over 600 figures in 5 years and now not in a good place with finance, family and job security