EXO-6 Star Trek "General Discussion" 1/6 Line

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Hmm, for me it's the opposite. In fact QMx Kirk head sculpt is not bad. At least the prototype pics, I don't have the actual figs. The bodies, forget about it.
Has anyone ever had to get in contact with EXO 6s customer service? Anyone had any luck with that? I sure haven't
Indeed, I think this is the best Kirk head likeness of all that I have seen, including the EXO-6 TMP, and it really captures the vigor, determination, strength and confidence of Jame T. Kirk. The body and the uniform, meh. I think the V1 body on Kirk is better. V2 made him look wimpy. I don't know why they did that.
Yeah I didn't care for the V2 Kirk either. I think Nanjin was trying to capture Shatner's slimmer look from the first season, but it just didn't look right and made him seem more like a younger 20-something Kirk.