EXO-6 Star Trek "General Discussion" 1/6 Line

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So, more pleasant news:
Captain Shaw arrived yesterday. I absolutely love him.

I think it's one of the best sculpts Exo has done.
He's very, very light on accessories, but honestly all I needed was the wine glass.
I don't really have anyone else to group him with at the moment, so for now I'm pairing him with Seven.

I think i will get Captain 7, though, if/when she comes.
TimeWalker Toys is having a moving day sale:

Mirror Sulu - sale price $178.20 (savings of 10%)
Judge Q - sale price $184.49 (savings of 10%)
First Contact Captain's Chair - sale price $165.74 (savings of15%)
Dr. Bashir - sale price $175.50 (savings of 10%)
Harry Kim - sale price $153 (savings of 10%)
Neelix - sale price $213.75 (savings of 5%)
Michael Burham - sale price $182.74 (savings of 15%)

12" figures from other lines are also on sale. i don't believe they charge tax unless you live in Kansas. Shipping is reasonable or free with a purchase of over $350.

i have ordered from them before, and they are the best!
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Is there a body to use for the Darmok outfit without buying a second full figure? Tried with the QMX figure and it didn’t look right at all.
Question for the group

If certain figures are only offered in his secret club and it is a figure you are interested in, how likely are you willing to pay say if it is $500 for each figure? Assuming it is not a mass produced figure , he will most likely have to charge more. I’m beginning to wonder even if it is a figure I want, I don’t think I would pay anything more than $400 Thoughts? What is your max you will pay?
Question for the group

If certain figures are only offered in his secret club and it is a figure you are interested in, how likely are you willing to pay say if it is $500 for each figure? Assuming it is not a mass produced figure , he will most likely have to charge more. I’m beginning to wonder even if it is a figure I want, I don’t think I would pay anything more than $400 Thoughts? What is your max you will pay?
I'm at my max already basically. Probably beyond it. :)

I think I'm just out on $400-500 figures. I can't justify it personally. If I made $1,000,000 tomorrow I still don't think I could justify it. But that's just me.
$300 for Kruge is probably my max. I still haven’t pre-ordered Chang for that same price. I don’t see going much higher than that.

If the Gorn Captain was made and was close to $400 I’d consider it just because of being an iconic character but even then it would be a stretch.
Question for the group

If certain figures are only offered in his secret club and it is a figure you are interested in, how likely are you willing to pay say if it is $500 for each figure? Assuming it is not a mass produced figure , he will most likely have to charge more. I’m beginning to wonder even if it is a figure I want, I don’t think I would pay anything more than $400 Thoughts? What is your max you will pay?
I don't collect anything but my absolute favorite characters. If one of them is going for 400-600 dollars, I don't care, I'll pay. Give me an $800 articulated Borg Queen; whatever, just give it to me.
With the economy free falling, Government layoffs , private sector layoffs and the state of 1/6 lately , I think it could be a mistake buying $500 figures. I’m in similar mindset I would buy anything that I love regardless of the price in the past but I’m even having 2nd thoughts these days. With many ST figures I notice if you ever need to sell , sometimes you might not even get retail and take a loss from many figures I see sold on the F/B EXO forum
Question for the group

If certain figures are only offered in his secret club and it is a figure you are interested in, how likely are you willing to pay say if it is $500 for each figure? Assuming it is not a mass produced figure , he will most likely have to charge more. I’m beginning to wonder even if it is a figure I want, I don’t think I would pay anything more than $400 Thoughts? What is your max you will pay?

'Low Production Numbers"/FOMO notwithstanding, what character would WARRANT a $500 price tag in the "Star Trek" world? I can't think of one! The costumes in Trek are generally simple, and any guest character is really niche.

MY remaining list for Exo-6 is TOS Kirk, Spock,McCoy, Scotty, Uhura, Pike; Mirror Kirk & Uhura; TWOK Kirk & Spock; TNG Riker & Worf. (Sarek, Rand & "Enterprise Incident" Romaulan Commander- if ever made). All those would be available for EVERYONE, not a club. No, I can't think of any Exo-6 I would pay $500 for! Thanks for your question!🚀🖖
With the economy free falling, Government layoffs , private sector layoffs and the state of 1/6 lately , I think it could be a mistake buying $500 figures. I’m in similar mindset I would buy anything that I love regardless of the price in the past but I’m even having 2nd thoughts these days. With many ST figures I notice if you ever need to sell , sometimes you might not even get retail and take a loss from many figures I see sold on the F/B EXO forum
I often look at these kinds of purchases as experiences as well. Like, we know we can't resell the plane tickets we buy to go on a once-in-a-lifetime experience somewhere we've never been. And if we had a good time, we don't spend the rest of our lives ruminating about what the plane ticket cost afterwards. Even if you don't always get your money's worth, you learn something to avoid, and if you're responsibly concerned about financial consequences regardless, you stay home.

Premium 1:6 figures from every single Star Trek series is absolutely a once-in-a-lifetime experience in this hobby as far as I'm concerned. This mindset may not be very helpful to MISB-only type collectors though, so mileage may vary here in the perspective department :p
I don't think I'd buy from the "secret club" just on principle. Easy for me to say that now though, cut to six months from now when I'm crying because I can't get X because he already blacklisted me a year ago. ;)
Ugh, my Saavik from Sideshow has gone walkabouts. I finally pay off the finance, pay the £62 customs charge on top and then get a delivery notification today that it was delivered by Fedex and apparently I signed for it - except I didn’t. They left a card on the door to say it was by the bins. No luck.

I’ve contacted Sideshow and hope they can come through. Has anyone had similar experience? Really hoping they can replace this.