Nanjin wants these figures. At the very least he wants the poster crew for TOS TNG DS9 and TWOK era movies. I think he will at least get those done. The left field figures were when they had some extra funds due to sales and extra time between production of the other figures.
Nanjin has had the sky is falling posts before, but he's pushed through them. With this one I think he is predicting the left field figures won't get a lot of orders due to increased prices. Trek collectors (not 1/6 collectors) are a frugal bunch usually, one could go to Trek sites and see the posts when Exo-6 first started and a majority of them balked at the 170-200 price tag, bringing up the old Playmates 12-inch line and why can't Exo6 match that price point. 1/6 collectors tend to collect a wide range of figures, and some may cut Trek for other IPs or just stick to main characters, or even trios like Kirk Spock McCoy.
We've all already read posts here from before the tariffs of collectors focusing on certain crews or characters due to financial reasons. Nothing wrong with that, I probably should follow that thinking too, but I'm weak willed when it comes to Trek.
All that said, if things don't change, I think we will see main characters only and stuff like Romulan Kirk, Vadic, and sadly Garak may never get made.