EXO-6 Star Trek "The Next Generation" Figures

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Beverly looks good; easy PO. Definitely be skipping anything related to that piece of human garbage Goldberg. Couldn’t stand Wesley. So easy pass there also.
Hilarious comment. She has become quite an unhinged lunatic.

I guess they're trying to recreate this look, though it looks like she should be flipping pies in a pizzeria.

No Worf and no Riker. So Riker is now the only first officer across Trek shows not to be at least available for preorder. The guy has been on six different shows and 4 movies but he's still not even teased? And obviously Worf is presumably in more hours of Trek than anyone else. I don't get Nanjin's choices at all: I'm pleased to see Crusher, but Wes and Guinnan before Riker and Worf? For real? Then again, I guess this doesn't really mean anything in terms of release. He's teased TWOK Spock for about 150 years but he never seems to get any closer to actual preorder. And presumably before we get a Riker or Worf we'll another 3 Datas and 208 Picards.:) I don't mean to be a jerk: I'm really glad he's doing Trek and I love what we get. Just frustrating that my own personal favorite characters never seem to arrive. I remember seeing QMX Worf and Riker at a toy show in 2017 or something and desperately wanting them then. But I'm genuinely glad for what we've gotten - and happy for the people who have gotten their preferred characters.
No Worf and no Riker. So Riker is now the only first officer across Trek shows not to be at least available for preorder. The guy has been on six different shows and 4 movies but he's still not even teased? And obviously Worf is presumably in more hours of Trek than anyone else. I don't get Nanjin's choices at all: I'm pleased to see Crusher, but Wes and Guinnan before Riker and Worf? For real? Then again, I guess this doesn't really mean anything in terms of release. He's teased TWOK Spock for about 150 years but he never seems to get any closer to actual preorder. And presumably before we get a Riker or Worf we'll another 3 Datas and 208 Picards.:) I don't mean to be a jerk: I'm really glad he's doing Trek and I love what we get. Just frustrating that my own personal favorite characters never seem to arrive. I remember seeing QMX Worf and Riker at a toy show in 2017 or something and desperately wanting them then. But I'm genuinely glad for what we've gotten - and happy for the people who have gotten their preferred characters.
Nanjin said Worf’s Baldric is a huge Hangul and not cost effective right now. He’s looking for alternatives.
Worf and Riker are in some form of development. I believe both were shown a year or two ago at some convention. We have also seen TWOK Spock. I think it’s safe to say that there are many more prototypes out there that we have not seen yet.
Beverly looks a bit too baby faced and eyes a bit off. Maybe the eyebrows are too dark. It might 100% be the lighting though.


She looks like my grandma so I'm going to be more anal about this one. This one doesn't look like my grandma! :p
I can't wait to see an updated Riker. I remember the first time I saw a prototype photo years ago that it looked rough. I'm sure it'll look leaps and bounds better by now. I think he's got one of those faces like Lt Paris and Capt. Kirk that's just tough to capture right.

I think the Beverly sculpt looks pretty darn good.

Wes I think I'll probably buy, after a lot of hemming and hawing over it. He does look a little creepy but also oddly appropriate. Not that he's a creepy character, but he often had that earnest smile especially at the end of episodes. It only looks creepy because he's frozen that way.

He's kinda in the same bucket as a Neelix was for me - he's a main title character, so it doesn't feel complete not to have him, but I don't really want him.

If I was to display a promotional photo type of crew display, I'd want him in there. If I was setting up a bridge display with forward consoles like these teasers, I'd rather have Ro there.

In the end I'll get him because I think the likelihood I'm going to spring for any set pieces other than captains chairs is low. Gotta draw the line on cost here.

As for Goldberg, Guinan was a cool character and I generally don't care what actors do off set in terms of these types of purchases (except for Stephen Collins. That guy should've been in jail, and I just couldn't look at him in any figure display). I'm not really interested enough to get it though.
Whoopie Goldberg has some stupid and wrong opinions I don't agree with but isn't evil like some others (more like ignorant) so I can appreciate the characters she plays still. I'll buy Guinan. And I know so many people with stupid opinions, if I didn't interact with them I'd barely be able to talk to anyone. How many of us have racists grandparents? Well I don't, but they sure had some weird ideas and I didn't stop talking to them heh...

It would be impossible to buy a figure based on like... Stephen Hyde from That 70s Show or... Kevin Spacey's character from House of Cards or... whatever... you know people who are like just rapists or pedos or murderers and stuff.
I tend to be able to separate that kind of thing. I don’t care for her as a person but I still like the character of Guinan.