EXO-6 Star Trek "The Next Generation" Figures

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Yeah I definitely agree there. Maybe not a full schedule but at least a more solid idea of what's coming up in the next month. Because we had various figures hinted for release at the end of 2021 (the Queen, Seven and FC chair) which still haven't gone up for preorder yet, while Mirror Spock and Q dropped almost from out of nowhere.

Of course I'm sure the pandemic and shipping madness is responsible for a lot of that, so I don't want to fault Exo-6 too much. And with the multitude of characters being worked on at once, maybe things were always destined to be a bit crazy and chaotic (Nanjin did warn us several times that it was going to be a bit of a wild ride).

Whatever the case, I'm still thrilled with the releases we're seeing and can't wait for all the cool stuff to come.
I was thinking even like a quarterly cycle. Drop the ones that are happening and maybe leave some mystery slots but at least say what show/film they’re for.
I like the excitement of the short window of these being offered; and the anticipation of 'what might be dropping next' -- the fact that Nanjin and EXO-6 can deliver a teaser, a pre-order window and production and delivery within 6-8 months is staggering in this hobby.
I'm sure your're right about licensing/approval, but also keep in mind that Nanjin is bootstrapping a completely new business, and has done so quite impressively. I imagine it's not possible to give a realistic long-term schedule. He does give subtle hints in this forum pretty frequently, though (i suspect to avoid being accused of not keeping his word wheun he's just sharing his thoughts with hard core trek acquaintences).

From what I gather, I suspect we can hope to see most TNG figures throughout this year, and i've budgeted for that, as TNG is my favorite Trek. He's also said focus on your favorite, since he'll be doing other shows at the same time.
Hard to do when you have more than one favorite. I’m sure he knows this too. I mean some fans are clear cut one way only, but a lot like myself are into a wide range.
Hard to do when you have more than one favorite. I’m sure he knows this too. I mean some fans are clear cut one way only, but a lot like myself are into a wide range.
Same here! I love everything! So far, I was able to keep up, but the things are going to speed up.
Man, I want Q––and I absolutely respect and admire what Nanjin is doing here––BUT, I feel I'd get so much more joy out of Q in a Starfleet uniform on my shelf, annoying everyone. Haha.
I feel the same. Absolutely. Q in a Star Fleet uniform was THE Q, for me. Judge was sorta a fleeting, flashy act. The figure does look gorgeous, but doesn`t represent the best in this character, for me.
So I`m getting this pretty figure to demolish all the beauty, give him custom hair and put him into a uniform 🖖😅
I`m so happy to be getting QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ!! :blissy One of the most fun characters, so one of the most loved)) Thank you, Nanjin, for giving this to us!!
Hard to do when you have more than one favorite. I’m sure he knows this too. I mean some fans are clear cut one way only, but a lot like myself are into a wide range.
Yeah, i definitely get it. I bought Janeway, the EMH, and likely 7 of 9, simply because I love the Doctor!

Apparently, it's even harder to produce 1/6 Trek as a successful business, if you read Nanjin's posts about it.
Hard to do when you have more than one favorite. I’m sure he knows this too. I mean some fans are clear cut one way only, but a lot like myself are into a wide range.
Yup, probably the only ones I'll be skipping are some of the supporting cast of ENT, and it'll be a while before we even get to them. Which leaves a crap ton of other figures I'll need to somehow find the space and money for. :oops:
After playing STO for so long, the judge's robes are definately the way to go on Q if there aren't future releases. Iconic.

As for a subscription club, I feel like a PO price isn't too much to demand, and you could cancel at the regular loss of PO, but as someone pointed out, it might make more sense to do a subscription for each series rather than all releases but it seems easier to implement 1 rather than multiple, so I suppose it would depend on the business capacity. Still, it seems to me that a subscription for the whole shebang where you would forfeit the PO if you don't want a figure should be juicy enough for a business to seize upon if there is enough interest.
After playing STO for so long, the judge's robes are definately the way to go on Q if there aren't future releases. Iconic.

As for a subscription club, I feel like a PO price isn't too much to demand, and you could cancel at the regular loss of PO, but as someone pointed out, it might make more sense to do a subscription for each series rather than all releases but it seems easier to implement 1 rather than multiple, so I suppose it would depend on the business capacity. Still, it seems to me that a subscription for the whole shebang where you would forfeit the PO if you don't want a figure should be juicy enough for a business to seize upon if there is enough interest.
If by "PO" you mean a non-refundable deposit, then it is an easy "no thanks" from me, in regards to a subscription club. I'll stick to the regular pre-order process. I don't want to risk losing money just because I decide to skip a figure.
If by "PO" you mean a non-refundable deposit, then it is an easy "no thanks" from me, in regards to a subscription club. I'll stick to the regular pre-order process. I don't want to risk losing money just because I decide to skip a figure.
Since I'm only in for the Wrath of Khan figures, a subscription is a non-starter for me.

Unless you can subscribe to individual figure lines.
Since I'm only in for the Wrath of Khan figures, a subscription is a non-starter for me.

Unless you can subscribe to individual figure lines.

Agreed. I'm mostly all in on the classic Trek (TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY plus the TOS/TNG films). I would be selective on the JJ Trek stuff and passing on anything post that. So I wouldn't want to risk missing out on the classics figures but at the same time not be tied down to anything post those. (I hope that makes sense...) :lol

I got a taste of possibly missing out when Janeway initially went on sale from EXO-6. I was driving back home from dropping my son off at college and completely missed the email announcement. When I finally got home, saw the email and tried to preorder, it was already sold out. Fortunately, Nanjin ran a second preorder for her. I could have preordered from one of the other online shops but I would rather get them directly from EXO-6.

I don't want to risk going through that again and not have that second figure run available...

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