Super Freak
I would have helped or I'd like to think if have kept my head enough to help. I asked my Dad about how he could keep his head in that kind of a situation with all the chaos. He just said because of doing that kind of work you become a bit hard to the emotions of it all and just do what must be done. I don't know how he does it to be honest or anyone in that line of work.
I honestly don't know if I would have the ***** to go and rescue those people. I would hope if push came to shove, I would. It's always easy to say stuff when you're looking at it from the outside looking in. Especially in the comfort of your own home. I would like to think I would say, screw you survival instincts, if I was that person on the other end, I would want people to come to my aid. Oh yeah, I would so guilt trip myself. Again, easier said than done. That's why I am so blown away by people like the paramedics, fire fighters, and the police officers who run towards danger. They know the risks. They weren't drafted. It was a life choice. I am blown away by people who can take that chance and do the right thing. And it's no slight to the other person who runs away for shelter. We're programmed to want to live. We want to get to safe ground, so yeah, it is an amazing feat and that's why I put so much focus and emphasis on those first responders.
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