Do I need to remind people the French...
The revolution wasn't just about Napoleon at the helm. The subsequent revolutions that delivered the modern republic of France wouldn't have happened but for the first. It changed the French psyche irrevocably because it placed egalitarian principles ahead of aristocratic ideals.
Yeah, Justin Bieber is actually from Georgia, I think.
That said...
Learning about history through movies. Fox News. Freedom Fries...
A lot of aspersions are being cast towards me and others in this thread based solely on your own biased views of "the typical American" (which ironically you must have culled from some form of media of your own... or the internet, which is even worse).
I need no history or cultural lessons, thanks. I was born outside of this country and probably saw more of the world in my first 30 years than most see in 20 lifetimes. I almost decided to Major in World History at school and become an Anthropologist (I decided against it simply because I wanted to do something more creative). I don't watch any cable news, and I think "Freedom Fries" are as lame as they sound.
You two guys just resent America. It doesn't really matter why. But you do. And it's colored every single comment you've made in this thread (which, by the way, was started to discuss a domestic terrorist attack and soon devolved into the same tired "U.S. vs the world" pablum). Just admit it and move on.
How did we even go from discussing the events in Boston to this anyway??
America is the greatest nation on the face of the Earth. Anyone who doesn't agree is in denial.
That is all.
America is a great nation. Anyone who doesn't agree is in denial.
Removed the arrogance and agreed
You're just in denial, my friend. As a penance for your willful ignorance, please PM me the Pledge of Allegiance in writing. I'll wait.
Someone please close this ****ed up thread.
You mean Tom Hanks didn't really try and rescue someone named Ryan in WW2???? What the **** have I been thinking for the last 10 years??! Please you must tell me your joking and I haven't been believing a lie this whole time? But seriously, this is what makes you look like an idiot. You assume so much yet know nothing about how we live. Sure I agree some people in the US are arrogant, but your telling me you don't have any people like that where you live? Doubt it. You also believe that everyone from your country is highly knowledgeable about world history? I guarantee they aren't. I'm sure most people from Canada are a bunch of *** holes who only like hockey. Wait maybe I shouldn't assume things from only talking to a few canadians...First, I'm not "butt-hurt" about anything. I have absolutely nothing to envy you guys about...nothing. Secondly, I never said I hated the US or anyone in it. I have friends over there and I tell them the same thing (their arrogance and lack of knowledge of other country's history but their own, is laughable). If anyone is butt-hurt it's you guys and your egos since you are learning that you DON'T do all this on your own. Maybe some of you should stop getting educated through movies like Saving Private Ryan, Argo, and Lincoln. Hint: Those stories are made up for the most part![]()