Explosion in Boston?

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Just unimaginable stuff... really sad. I hope those affected recover and those responsible are brought to justice.

Its funny... how many people blame popular entertainment for these kinds of things and right now Im overwhelmed with the desire to watch a film of triumph and revenge and redemption.... Because its the only way my wish for justice and closure will be fulfilled today.
Not trying to be crude here...but is that...just her head? Or is she really small? Either way, yes, that's tragic. *******. :(

Might be this:

"One of the 2 confirmed victims was 8 years old"
In the Twitter comment it said she was his girlfriend, but I think that makes more sense. The image has been removed but I remember seeing part of pink shoe. Terrible.
Ems, should have tagged her and moved on then..Horrible to say, but as a medic you have to triage..It really is ****ty when you have to make a decision like that in the field, I have been there before..

Right but we don't know how quickly they ruled her dead. I'm sure it was done as quickly as could be given the situation. Thankfully I've not had to experience that but my Dad knows your shoes too well (he's been a paramedic for 25 years).
Hugging my 8 month old daughter extra tight tonight. And I hope it's that I'm almost 40 years old that I don't hold news media in same light as the people who did this today. I don't think NBC wants people killed so they get better ratings. Again...might be my generation's view.

Seems very dark to think all media is out to get us all and is happy for a day like today.
I have seen no indication of anything saying the girl was dead.
The Med being beside her makes me think the otherwise is very possible ... :monkey1
Ems, should have tagged her and moved on then..Horrible to say, but as a medic you have to triage..It really is ****ty when you have to make a decision like that in the field, I have been there before..

How true that is! EMS field is not always the easiest thing mentally. This really sucks. I'm so sick and tired of hearing all this BS going on in this world :gah:
Missing my point. The argument came from people making comments like, "Human beings are evil and awful." Comments like that are a generalizing that all humans are like that. I even spoke to a person to make sure that's not what they meant. Their response, yup pretty much all humans are awful. So this was the intent of my Facebook post. Not trying to mute or ignore what took place. The evil was clearly there, but when people only see the evil and the chaos and believe that we as a human race (as a whole) are generally evil/awful creatures, it has me thinking in what scope do these individuals see out of? A little crack through a wall, or a gigantic sink hole. That was my point.

I don't care even about the police, fire fighters, or the paramedics. There are those who aren't trained and expected to do this, but decided that they should help out their fellow man, even if it meant risking their own safety. I think that there is nothing wrong in choosing to see the good in this as well. In fact, I KNOW! Having said that, I am very upset for everyone in this. I can't imagine how a person could stoop to such a low.

In the end, I just didn't want to ignore the good in humanity. Just give people a different perspective. I don't see the harm in showing that we're not all ****ed up like the individual(s) who caused this chaos in the first place.

This just showed up on one of my Facebook pages:

I will say this I am moving on from that.. Hopefully people understood my intent of my comments now.

As for the people who are injured, I really hope that their quality of life will still be there. It maybe hard and challenging, and it's probably easier to be a person who's not in their position, but I hope they can still live out their lives to an enjoyable extent.

I understand completely Eli. :1-1:
I am shocked about two things, first that this could happen and second how it could happen at the second mst crowded spot of the entire marathon. In today's times you would think that's bomb sniffing dogs would patrol the starting and finish areas. I understand securing 26 miles in nearly impossible but these two areas seem to be the more patrolled.