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F/s- rainman, iminime..yunsil ...customs....taking offers.........look

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Super Freak
Nov 22, 2011
Reaction score
Taking offers on the following, any real low ball will not get a response, pics upon request, please send me your e mail and i will be happy to get pics.....any payment will be ppl, fee added or if you know me and trust as family to save for both, i ship only ems overseas, i will not ship without tracking, also if you want low value or gift, it is at your risk!!! Not mine...

Rainman- h&c set jules and vincent, both with dork outfits--taking offers,..
Rainman-h&c set- pee wee herman, with bike from gary, cereal box from corrose
rainman- h&c set -fight club narrator
rainman- full set-fight club- tyler red jacket version, bathrobe, etc.
Rainman- h&c set- plainview, with full set shotgun, and shotgun that opens, hat repaint by jake.

Iminime- darknight comm. Gordon, body, shoes, upgrade
iminime- det. Mills somerset, dx-body, shoes, upgrade, accurate vest for mills, custom gun sling for both
iminime- g.b.u. Trio...they have been weathered,
iminime- buler, with custom alfred head limit of 30 made.
Iminime-dirty harry
iminime- freedom warrior dx set. With body upgrade, ht wolverine.
Iminime-fight club dx version....red jacket, airplane, narrator..
Iminime-tony soprano
iminime- godfather michael- with yunsil grey suit.
Iminime- star trek kirk
iminime- star trek spock

yunsil-full figure-craig bond blue suit, with modern life head, painted by jd kim
yunsil- full figure-casino ace rothstein, both heads unpainted, also a custom head being used jd kim paint.
Yunsil- full figure- doc holliday, rainman head, custom accessory set by mike5401
yunsil-full figure-007 brosnan, bbkill head painted by jd kim, needs touch up...
Yunsil- full figure-goodfellas henry hill iminime head, with iminime suit

customs-full figures--iminime- goodfellas jimmy with im head, and im suit..
Iminime-goodfellas-tommy with im head and im suit
revanant, -hugh glass, with rooted hair, ooak outfit
revanant-fitzgerald, with facial hair, ooak outfit.
Hurricane vader, small crack in dome, not sure wich version
untouchables-set, elliot ness, jim malone, malone head modded by jake and painted, real hat, ness private commission by me, painted by jake rahmier. Custom clothing made for malone. Stands evil face decals

custom-full figures--boondock saints- sculpts private commission by me, rosary beeds made by full metal, tatts , stands evil face decals

custom-full figures-- color of money,fast eddie private sculpt, real accurate 2 pice pool stick with chalk by full metal.
-- tropic thunder- simple jack, full figure by jake rahmier, kirk lazurus, modded ht tony stark by jake, paint by jake, wow...tugg speedman, custom by somebody else.

Custom- full figues- 300 rise of an empire- artemesia by sculpt4ever, themosticles, same.....wow
- swamp thing, with custom base- by crimsonbob
spencer -- karate kid
-- phantom- billy zane version. With white wolf.
-- golden age- captain marvel
-- golden age- green lantern, with light up lantern
-- dr. Evil with minime...
-- star trek, kirk spock, mirro mirror customs.
Could you post photos of these Customs?
A lot of these I am interested in but have never seen before?
Can you post pics of Doc Holliday please

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