Lionhead sucks!!!
I just got a GAME BREAKER glitch! Similar to Bardoons.....only mine took place elsewhere and I did not walk away.
Here is the description, with minor spoilers....really only giving away the name of a future here that is it...........
After talking to Reaver in Bloodstone and him telling me to get more renown, I then go to do the TOBY quest and I cannot pull out any weapons or talk to any shop keepers or really do anything. When I try to fast travel out of Bloodstone, it says I am "still in scene"....I can walk out of bloodstone and use my weapons and do quests outside of Bloodstone and receive renown but it does not count toward the renown that I need to advance in the primary quest. Whenever I am in Bloodstone, I cannot do anything, cannot use my weapons or talk to shopkeepers etc. And whenever I get near the top of the hill it shows the skip conversation icon for the "Find Reaver" mission....point being this stuck in scene glitch ruins the game completely and you cannot progress in the story.
LIONHEAD- FIX THIS OR PLEASE REFUND ME MY $60.00 plus tax.............supposedly Lionhead is aware of these glitches, among many others.
People beware! This problem is WIDESPREAD! And can happen at any time, people are getting this same glitch at different quests, not all at the same quests. But it does seem more common at certain quest areas.
Anyways, I won't be playing this game until Lionhead fixes this.