KurJen - Kurgan Mod
Picked up the game yesterday - didn't play much but looking forward to digging in. 
The only negative Ive found so far is that the loading time is like 2 minutes.
lol, what system? My 360 load times have been fantastic. MUCH improved over F3.
Same here. It takes less than a minute in some cases.(I've got it installed on my 360's hard drive though)
Well maybe its my ancient xbox then
Come on Flo....of course you do...didn't you play the first one?!?!
I've played every version... And I will get it, just maybe not right at this moment. I'm all too aware of how much time this is going to take up and life has just been ape ____ crazy as of late.
Honestly though, reading this thread kills me... Invisible Super Mutants??? ZOMG!!!!!!!!
See the thing and fallout with me is , i expected an Oblivion with Guns , but it wasn't.
I spent 160 hours on Oblivion without even entering SHIVERING Isles.
I did like fallout 3 but found it very Bland , and fallout new vegas just looks exactly the same as fallout 3 , i know it is suposed to be post Apocolyptic but the greyness of it all just bored me realy quick.
I also believe that Oblivion was far superior than Fallout. When I played that game I felt like I was a part of that world. Fallout feels more like a game if that makes sense. There was something really magical about Oblivion. I wish they would make another one!
That said I bought New Vegas. Haven't played for too long but I'm enjoying it.
I've just heard that like fallout 3 if you finish the last mission it doesn't let you carry on.Why would they do that again ?.
I have both Morrowind and Oblivion and have to say I never made it through 1 hour of the game. Maybe one of these days I'll get around to playing them again. I notice with these type of games - they start off kind of slow and if I get bored, I move on to something else(I'm so used to fast paced action games)....but if I do stick with it - things pick up and get more exciting. That's what happened during Fallout3. Things are starting to pick up a bit with this game. Just saved that sheriff that was incarcerated and now I'm working my way to get more info on the guys who shot me.