Family Guy: McCain/Palin =Nazi's

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Spartan Rex

Super Freak
May 26, 2006
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The animated sitcom 'Family Guy' is no stranger to controversy, but on Sunday night the show went into uncharted territory as it seemed to weigh in on the presidential race by likening the McCain/Palin ticket to the Nazi party in World War II.

In the episode, two of the characters, Stewie (a talking baby) and Brian (a talking dog) are transported to Poland during the Nazi invasion of World War II. In one scene, the characters beat up and steal the uniforms of two Nazi officers. Stewie looks down at his Nazi uniform and notices a McCain/Palin campaign button attached to its lapel, remarking “Huh, that’s weird."

The McCain campaign did not have an immediate comment. A rep for the show defended the episode, telling "From its inception, 'Family Guy' has used provocative concepts and biting satire as the foundation of its humor. The show is an 'equal oportunity offender.'"

The show's creator, Seth MacFarlane, is an ardent supporter of Barack Obama. MacFarlane has given thousands to the Democratic presidential nominee and the Democratic Party, and even spoke at an Obama rally in Ohio earlier this month.

In the past, MacFarlane has gotten into hot water for his skewering of several subjects, including actor and Scientologist Tom Cruise.

Comedian Carol Burnett also unsuccessfully sued the program for its depiction of her cleaning-woman character.

The Fox sitcom was cancelled in 2002 after failing to find an audience, but has improved significantly in the ratings since being brought back to the network in 2005. The show centers on a dysfunctional family living in the fictional town of Quahog, Rhode Island.
Hmm, I always assumed McFarlane was a Republican just because he was so unfunny.

Hahaha, so ol' John and Sarah were miffed!! Big F-ing deal. Mind you, I would say the same thing if Barack & Joe were offended, as I am also an equal party offender/middle-finger giver.

So what, a cartoon made fun of you. OH MY GOD!!!! NOOOOOOOOOO!!
Hahaha, so ol' John and Sarah were miffed!! Big F-ing deal. Mind you, I would say the same thing if Barack & Joe were offended, as I am also an equal party offender/middle-finger giver.

So what, a cartoon made fun of you. OH MY GOD!!!! NOOOOOOOOOO!!

Same here... Who cares?

What, nobody can make a stupid joke on a cartoon anymore?

(That said, I DID laugh my ass off at that bit. :D)
While my wife and I personally do not like McCain and Palin, we would have laughed just as hard had it been Obama/Biden. Some people just need to lighten up about certain things. If anyone is taking life lessons from FAMILY GUY, then they have a whole lot of other issues!!
I thought it was hilarious... and the hot water bit about Cruise; sure they weren't talking about South Park? I don't remember any specific Family Guy digs at Scientology, although I could have forgotten about it by now.

And doesn't seem like it was even on the McCain/Palin radar.
Same here... Who cares?

What, nobody can make a stupid joke on a cartoon anymore?

(That said, I DID laugh my ass off at that bit. :D)

See, that's the thing. It wasn't a "joke", it was a political statement, no different than some of the photoshopped images of Obama with a Hitler mustache, which have drawn condemnation from many, even in this forum. Double standards are the epitome of hypocrisy.
What, double standards and hypocrisy when it comes to politics... perish the thought :lol
See, that's the thing. It wasn't a "joke", it was a political statement, no different than some of the photoshopped images of Obama with a Hitler mustache, which have drawn condemnation from many, even in this forum. Double standards are the epitome of hypocrisy.

No, cause like I said, I still would have laughed if it had said "Obama/Biden". Seriously, do you really care what a stupid cartoon maker has to say. Are you gponna let it sway your decision as to who you vote for. Hell no you're not. So what if MacFarlane is a Obama supporter, he could just have easily been a McCain supporter.

This goes for everyone: If it really does bother you, then you need to step off your high horse and come back down to Earth!! You are taking a cartoon way to damned seriously. :D
This goes for everyone: If it really does bother you, then you need to step off your high horse and come back down to Earth!! You are taking a cartoon way to damned seriously. :D

Fair enough. Then I guess this is just fine with you, too?



* Disclaimer: I do not support such allegations, but am trying to illustrate absurdity with equal, yet opposite absurdity.
Yeah, I guess double standards are just peachy, as long as you're the one dishing them out. :rolleyes:

Hey, I don't trust either of those sneaky ^^^^ers! Neither of them will get my vote. I only vote on the Props and stuff like that. I've never voted for a President in the last couple 2 or 3 times I could.

They are all liars and they can't be trusted as far as they can throw me and I'm a big boy!! :lol
People call the Republican party evil all the time...

Besides, by the time most of the rest of the world sees the episode, we'll have our President...
Not setting the best example there, Dave. Is it now going to be OK to go into controversial and inflammatory regions, as long as anything we post has "just kidding" appended to the end?

As a Seth McFarlane supporter I concur. To besmirch his good name is in poor taste.

Family Guy sux! :lol
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It's a cartoon that consistently pushes the limits of taste and controversy, so I am not surprised. When I saw that, I told my girlfriend "they went a little far." But it's to be expected. Shows like South Park have been much more controversial. In the end, it is really just a silly cartoon, so people should lighten up a bit. Now if it a Nazi was drawn by a political cartoonist wearing a McCain/Palin sticker on the cover of the New Yorker, then that would be another story :D
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