KurJen - Kurgan Mod

Rudest person i've ever had the misfortune of meeting has to be Lou Ferigno at comic-con a few years ago i wanted to just to take a picture with him and walk away thats it, He screamed at me and said give me 35 dollars i was shellshocked
Rudest person i've ever had the misfortune of meeting has to be Lou Ferigno at comic-con a few years ago i wanted to just to take a picture with him and walk away thats it, He screamed at me and said give me 35 dollars i was shellshocked
People are supposed to pay for autographs and photo ops and Ferigno's all about business at conventions. You're not really descriptive about what you did, but on the surface it looks like you were trying to be sneaky and didn't ask permission.
I would never pay for an autograph. Actually, I never ask for one. Don't care about it.
I would never pay either, I would pay the price of admission to a horror convention or a comic convention yeah,
but not for their autograph, I would rather just take a pic of them from away, not with me on the pic but just a pic of the person, as memory maybe,
I guess even a pic With the person might even be kinda cool,
but their signature in a piece of paper for 50 bucks? or 30, or a 100 (in some cases)
no freaking way,
meeting them or seeing them up close is much more valuable for me as an experience than a piece of paper
I don't look at it like that. The autograph is a bonus. Every time I've ever gotten an autograph, I've had the fortune of having a brief conversation with the star. Those little moments are worth the measly $25-$35 or in the case of Mark Hamill who chatted with us for about 15 min, worth the $100.
I feel that autographs are kind if an old thing now since it's so easy nowadays to take pics, plus it's more personal (and convincing) than a signature. I have paid for photo ops twice in the 4 years I've been going to the Toronto fan expo.
One thing that made the UFC fan expo really great is that all of the fighters' photo ops and autographs were free. They also all seemed genuinely happy to meet the fans.
I don't look at it like that. The autograph is a bonus. Every time I've ever gotten an autograph, I've had the fortune of having a brief conversation with the star. Those little moments are worth the measly $25-$35 or in the case of Mark Hamill who chatted with us for about 15 min, worth the $100.